MovieChat Forums > Whoopi Goldberg Discussion > More than just Jews died in the holocaus...

More than just Jews died in the holocaust

Jews, Slavs, POWs, disabled people, homosexuals, political prisoners, Jehovah's Witnesses....

All were persecuted and among the dead.

Why do Jews think they hold the market on victimization?


Hitler killed everyone that he didn't like, but he specifically went after the Jews, and killed more of them than any other race/ religion. However, what you did say was true, and I'm not quite sure why no other races/religions bring up the fact that he killed millions of people who weren't Jews also.


Pretty sure a few million Poles got wiped out, not including the Jewish ones.


History doesn't talk about that because the Poles were Catholics.


He hated Jews most of all.


Why do Jews think they hold the market on victimization?

They literally DO own this market.


Stalin wiped more out than Hitler could ever imagine..


Why do Jews think they hold the market on victimization?

I don't know if they do or even if the Jews actually think this, but if any race or group of people wanted to make a case, the Jews have a lot of historical fact to support the claim.


I think the OP's assertion is incorrect - I think the term "Holocaust" is reserved only for Jewish victims.

So yes, homosexuals, communists, slavs, retards etc were all systematically exterminated by the Third Reich, but not considered part of "the Holocaust." But I'm no expert and I'm not Jewish.


I'd say the Jews have a right to feel they were the most victimized. Because they were.


It was an atrocity. Why’s it matter who he killed.
