The holocaust wasnt about race?
Exactly why you dont put a microphone in front of an old lady 5x a week. You'll get the dumbest things.
shareExactly why you dont put a microphone in front of an old lady 5x a week. You'll get the dumbest things.
shareIm surprised she has not yet issued a press release gushing apologies, but its coming. She pissed off the only other group of people that the blacks cant just say anything against, the Jews. If Joy Behar said “Slavery is not about race, its about mans inhumanity to man.” Whoopi would have spit her whiskey out all over the desk in a rage. I am interested to see if she gets cancelled…
shareOh its going to be the first 10 minutes of the view tomorrow.
shareYeah it will take all night for her and a large group of spin doctors to come up with some mitigating explanation/apology. They are in some big war room right now hashing it out. And now I have something to really look forward to tomorrow.
shareI knew they couldn’t wait until tomorrow.
Im surprised she has not yet issued a press release gushing apologies, but its coming.
If Gossip Girl taught us nothing else, it's that it's too late to 'pologize
Black women don't get cancelled. If a white man had said the same thing his career would be over.
shareVery true and well said! Obama lent her his Teflon suit on this one. She'll survive her 2-week suspension. But she's going to wear scars from this one forever. Who could ever forget Sinead O'Connor tearing up The Pope? I think this one falls into that category.
All of this is so ironic, given her stage name of "Goldberg".
If Joy Behar said “Slavery is not about race, its about mans inhumanity to man.” Whoopi would have spit her whiskey out all over the desk in a rage.
That is true. At the same time, we need to also recall that Whoopie has been supporting the cancel culture, which often targets people for just being white/unwoke/male/straight, for a long while now. So, she should be well aware of the trap threads her beloved movement has spawned all over the place. She has supported the culture which put traps all around her and every other human being and fell into it.
shareSlavery has nothing to do with race. There, I said it.
shareShe survived saying it wasn't rape-rape about Polanski sticking his dick up the arse of a doped up 13-year-old . She'll get a pass on this, too.
Yeah I suspect so.
shareNobody puts Guinan in the corner.
shareHard to say it was actually rape when the so-called victim fudged every single time you ask her. Oh, and she supports the case being closed for good, and the charges against Polanski to be expunged. It's a little difficult to see her as a victim.
The Holocaust and its portrayal of Jews as history's "ultimate" victims is what Jewish activists have used since the end of WWII to get Israel, get rid of the Palestinians, get the United States to do whatever they want them to do, etc. They even deny that five million non-Jews were killed in The Holocaust too. Don't fuck with The Holocaust. Without it, the Jewish right would be SOL.
share“Palestinians” are Jordanians….Just ask the AIDS infected Yassir Arab Fat Fuck….A Jordanian. The current term of “Palestinian” was only brought about in….and I’m being generous, 1964. Where were these so-called “Palestinians” for 16 years after Israel’s founding? Christians are the majority in God knows how many countries, Muslims have dozens of countries and how many are Jewish majority? 1 country the size of New Jersey and it pisses idiots like you off. That is one reason I love Israel.
shareSo what? Most "Israelis" are Europeans, Russians and others who went to Israel.
shareNot all Israelis are European….and Russia is apart of Europe. Now that we’ve got that established, where we’re these so called “Palestinians” for the 16-20 years (depending on the source) after Israel’s establishment? Did they have trouble finding Israel? Does Jordan have any atlases? They sure didn’t need a map to start wars in 1948, ‘56, ‘67….
shareIf you are so sure that "Palestine, the country, goes back through most of recorded history", I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of Palestine:
When was it founded and by whom?
What were its borders?
What was its capital?
What were its major cities?
What constituted the basis of its economy?
What was its form of government?
Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?
Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?
What was the language of the country of Palestine?
What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine?
What was the name of its currency? Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date .
And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?
The land was controlled by Britain until 1948.
And before 1948 it was the British Mandate of Palestine that was originally meant to be an Arab state.
Then later on the plan changed to divide it into both an Arab state and Jewish state.
Then the plan changed again to only count the Jewish state.
What's funny is Palestinians are very respectful of Christianity. Palestinians are the people who have looked over the Christian Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem for over a thousand years, passing the key from one generation to the next.
Israel's dominance has made so many Christians unaware of that fact.
The irony is she is both right and wrong. The Nazis were trying for a pure Aryan nation which makes everything they did racist... but being Jewish isn't racial. You can have a black Jew or a white Jew, a Jew can stop being a Jew and be catholic or whatever other religion they want to be... That pretty much proves that being Jewish isn't a racial thing. A racial identity isn't something you can change on a whim... of course speaking the truth is not what the woke warriors ever want people to do.
shareShe is a fucking moron! This is why you don’t give a history book to a liberal, they can’t read!
shareAre the crusty tired old women on ‘The View’ even relevant anymore?
They’re a bunch of pathetic fossils
Those idiots were super boring 7 years ago, give it up grandmas👎
This is a totally ginned up story about boring and utterly worthless ‘Celebs’
Utter shit story about a nothing dummy
If it's not about blacks, it's not racist, according to Whoopi.
I like one of the critiques she got, "she should go back to doing movies that bomb at the box office; she's much better at that".
Will Neil Young speak out against this? 🤔
shareWhat do you expect. She has the IQ of a brick.