Yeah throughout the 90s (and most of the 80s) he was same as Arnold, Stallone, Bruce, Cruise, Costner (early 90s), Travolta (mid/late 90s), Ford, Hanks in that era (and considered the hunkiest along with Pitt/Cruise/Gere/Ford) and post Braveheart he was probably the biggest out of all them for a few years as he was an Oscar winning director of an iconic film as well as a $20m above the title A list movie star (in fact I remember reading 'Premiere' in late 90s and one issue they had the top 100 powerful film people of the time and he was #1 ahead of Cruise, Spielberg, Cameron etc ) and later with The Passion its like he was a blockbuster director in league with Peter Jackson, Lucas, Spielberg etc
All ended that night in 2006
Most of the A list stars had a 10/15years at the absolute top and the real big ones like Mel 20-30years as a bankable movie star before they start to fade due to getting too old, out of fashion, too many bombs etc but even then they come back for the legacy sequels ..but in Gibson's case it ended prematurely (and no Mad Max/LethalWeapon legacy sequels obviously due to what happened).. plus his director career was obviously affected and sort of cut short and never reached the extreme heights it could have continued (although if he gets Passion 2 made it could be as big as the first one.. but then theres this covid problem for the foreseeable future 😩)