MovieChat Forums > Tom Cruise Discussion > Tom was right to kick some ass, but he a...

Tom was right to kick some ass, but he always ends up looking bad

It's kind of funny. People go see his movies, and generally he has a pretty good sense of what movies to do. I like the first Jack Reacher, and most of his Sci-Fi movies too.

Hate the Scientology and the rumors about him. Just wish Scientology would go away, and I hope they nab someone like they did with the NVIUM whatever it is group and put them away. It's all fake, and it is a conspiracy and certainly has crossed the criminal line several times.

But, he's right about the Covid-19 and keeping safe. Once you blow it, you could kill people, and then ruin it for the whole industry. What could he have done to make his point better I wonder?


I think the reason is that everyone, including his fans, knows that Tom is an arrogant tool and total asshat and didn't act out of character. If a star that everyone liked and respected, one without a history of berating others did the same thing, that star would have been lauded.

It was just Tom being Tom.


He sounded like the big spoiled baby that he probably is after decades of women throwing themselves at him and unlimited money, but the dude was in the right in this case. Maybe could have been handled differently though.


I think the reason why scientology is still alive and kicking while other cults crash is because it has some very powerful backers in the government. Then there's also this army of lawyers - they were the ones to get the IRS off scientology's arse.


There are too many parasitic groups in the government these days.
That used to not be the case, but with economic concentration has come political concentration.
And there is no criteria or vote to put any of it to, because democracy in the US has been on the way out for since the 70's, or the so-called Powell Memorandum.
So in the chaos the most cold-blooded and willing to break the law groups have the advantage, and that is what is happening in the USA. I think Scientology must behind the scenes be very militant.

But, nevertheless, that has little to do with Tom scolding his workers. I guess I mean why not? If through their ignorance, or negligence or just plain orneriness they are placing their enterprise in jeopardy, what else is he going to do? I supposed he could have avoided all the fuss and just fired the ones he was giving a talking to ... but would that have been better or worse?

Then again, was the criterion that he hired the least expensive help, and should have hired professionals that were not screw-ups?


"What could he have done to make his point better I wonder?"

Not repeating himself multiple times and not threatening his coworkers over and over.
Once was enough, he had everyone's attention, everyone was listening, everyone took him serious.

Sometimes less is more.


NY Post says that 5 people walked off the set and quit.


Understandable. Cruise has a "God status" and there's probably no point debating with him. And it is likely there have been other incidents before so this was the last straw.

You just don't talk to people like that, especially not when you want to convince them of something.



A friend of mine who is very much an entrepreneurial millionaire a couple times now, gave me some advice dealing with minions: "speak to them in THIER language, BE one of them to relate better". Maybe that is all it was.

for all we know, the crew was swearing a ton daily already - that seems to be par for majority society these days for some reason - and surely Tom was near them enough to adopt their mannerisms to be engratiating.

we don't know all the facts, just the sprinkles the twisted news drops publicly for sensationalist click bait, and that's all.

and he's a passionate ACTOR, those people have wider emotions than most, and a stressed producer to boot.

Personally, maybe I would have handled it differently, but not sure of the full situation and maybe that was the best way to drive his point home to THAT particular crew. I mean, they weren't bright enough to socially distance during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC, maybe they only understand an alpha swearing at them. I don't know.


If you've got that much power, and Tom Cruise certainly does, you can wield that power any way you want. However, it probably isn't wise to do what he did in today's world of smartphones and other tech. Plus, when you're in a foreign country you should be an appreciative guest and handle these situations with much more control of your emotions.


No it was definitely way with his lines.


Masks are for retards that bought the CONvid lie.


Oh my god. Lala and Dipsy are here. What evidence do you have it is a "lie" Got any reputable sources? So you think health officials all over the world are in on some kind of continuing hoax, that the disease hasn't killed people? People like you should be arrested and forced to work in the morgues of covid victims. You're a danger to society.


The governments are obviously all working in lockstep to use the CONvid to install more control over their people. It couldn't be more obvious you dolt. And, YES, if people cover their airways they will get less quality oxygen, and be dumber and more disease ridden making them even easier to control. Are you starting to get the picture yet? If not, try taking the diaper off your face for a few days, and maybe you can think straight again little man.
Oh, and the FACT is that more people died in 2018 than 2020. That alone should be enough for you to realize there is no "pandemic". Please wake the fuck up, and take the panties off your face!


So if you got closer to someone in a grocery store or at you job than the 6' recommended distance and some little diva started screaming "mother f**cker" at you, you'd be okay with that?

Cruise's whole rant is a diva's tantrum. He claims to have to go to bed every night with the weight of the entire industry shutting down and thousands of people losing their jobs on his head. Poor Tom. He doesn't care at all for the millions of dollars he'll lose as producer.


Totally ok with it since they are threatening their life. You gamer/hipsters are complete idiots and live in a completely virtual world. You've probably never even crossed a border before, swam in a lake, or walked on a mountain.


I assume you are talking to me. I never come closer to anyone than 6', but if I did and they said something, I'd say sorry and back off further. If they screamed at me I'd just assume they are hyper-sensitive, maybe they have medical issues and that comes out of fear and ignore it.

It is easy to dismiss Cruise, as he is a pretty unsympathetic character, but decent actor, but why assume the worst. I've had people work for me that don't take things seriously and it is hard to get through to them when you've tried everything and you realize you are the one doing all the work and doing nice things for them like giving them a job, and they treat you like that.

From what I heard Tom was not abusive or insulting, he was loud, direct and to the point. I can't blame him for that just like I cannot blame Jeff Bezos, even as a socialist/democrat ( small-d) , for the fact that Amazon stock has gone up so much that it has almost made him a billionaire. Somehow these things are thrown out in the media and mindless people jump on them thinking they are part of a special informed group.



This looks like some kind of propaganda BS. Making all these claims. Citations please.

"Just wish Scientology would go away,"

Why? They are right about so much, especially the crookedness of the drug companies and alopathy in general.

"NVIUM whatever it is group and put them away"
Huh "whatever"? That's real specific.

"conspiracy and certainly has crossed the criminal line several times."
Sounds like the tin foil hat sort.

"But, he's right about the Covid-19 and keeping safe. "
Oh but he's right about that. Of course he's right nitwit. Does scientology say diseases don't exist?


With a face like that!

How couldn't you want to punch him?


sure, but that has nothing to do with covid
