MovieChat Forums > Tom Cruise Discussion > How can people not Like this guy???

How can people not Like this guy???

He goes all out for his films. Mi7 ..cant wait...


He had a rough spot for a while with Katie Holmes and Oprah but I think he's back in general good graces now. He's a legend.


I don't care for him as a person, it's probably the scientology?

I don't mind his movies, he's been in some really entertaining ones, but I don't go out of my way to watch him.




on a personal level I think he's a whack job, but I will pay money to see his movies. You can separate the insane from the product.

It's just like my opinion of Jon Void and Robert Dubai. Both are TrumpTARDs to the extreme but they're both awesome actors and I enjoy their craft on screen. Some of my favorite movies have them in the cast.


I'm OK with the dude and the actor.
(from what I've seen on talk shows anyway) who gives a f** about Oprah


Guess what? Not everyone is going to agree with you, doesn't make you look intelligent, makes you look like a jerk.


No, the jerks are the people who practice cancel-culture and that happens on both sides of the political spectrum, it's not just a Lefty thing. I have plenty of conservative Christian relatives who decided to pretend I don't exist because I don't share their world view, so they cancel me from their family events, including funerals.


I know, I was talking in general people in general. I'm sorry that family treats you that way, they should be more accepting and understanding of others views. Just because some disagrees with you does not mean their wrong just that they have different ideas. Sorry if I came off a little harsh.


Maybe you're just an asshole.


What he puts into his craft is absolutely amazing and puts out very entertaining films. But he is an odd duck and some people can't get past that.


Meh..he is no more odd than most people. I have seen some off the wall people in my lifetime and he is most definitely not that bad. Sure the scientology....but so what??? Besides that and the celebrity, he seems pretty normal to me..


If anonymous citizens choose to follow bizarre groups, oh well, what's the harm? But when an influential person like Cruise is a part of a socially destructive cult like Scientology, we have to talk about it. It spreads like a virus, and we don't want that and we don't need that.


Dont care. His movies are entertaining thats all i care about. his beliefs have not destroyed me. Becasue I dont believe in it. If weaker individuals want to get on a twist over it thats on them.


He's a great actor, but his Scientology is an obstacle to his achieving what he could have otherwise. Anyway I'm looking forward to his going into space.


All this guy does is want to entertain. He can do the drama and the action. When he dies, people are going to wish there was a star like him.


Very true. Right now there is not an actor like him. Leonardo comes close.


At this point the debate isn't worth having.

He's the G O A T.

Greatest Of All Time.

Unless you count money, there are a couple of actors/actresses that have more money that him. The King of Bollywood, forgot his name and Jami Gertz. Jami married a BILLIONAIRE. LOL.

I'd be happy to be in tenth place on the money list.


To be fair he wasn't a billionaire when they married.


Tom Cruise is arguably the most successful movie star of all time, and he's not done yet. Bigger than Clark Gable, bigger than John Wayne, than Eastwood. Cruise has shown a much better grasp of discriminating which roles and projects to agree to do, when compared to the likes of contemporaries. How many true flops/stinkers are in the Tom Cruise filmography? Not many, be honest. Not many when you look at some of Clint Eastwood's cringe worthy films and I love Eastwood also. Stallone and Schwarzenegger are really bad matched against Cruise films, as far as good to bad ratio. Stallone has even stooped so low as to do some DTV projects! (Avenging Angelo)


Cruise is the last of the true MOVIE STARS. He is great in everything he does. And of the 60+ films he has done....just about all of them are great. He rarely....RARELY misses the mark. And even in his two or three so-so films, he still turns in a great performance.

Tom Cruise....G.O.A.T.
