MovieChat Forums > Tom Cruise Discussion > Tom Cruise single handedly saving sci-fi

Tom Cruise single handedly saving sci-fi

Posit: high quality, big budget sci-fi would be a dead genre without Cruise taking on projects like Oblivion, War Of The Worlds, Minority Report, Edge Of Tomorrow. Otherwise all we would have is Marvel and DC absorbing the sci-fi genre along with every other genre.

I know there's other sci-fi out there, but I think Cruise' selections are the cream of the crop. Interstellar and Ad Astra, cool movies. A little heavier, and not as pure fun to watch IMHO.


Honestly, for me sci-fi is completely fine, I simply ignore all the mass-produced cookie-cutter super-hero garbage, it doesn't even count for me. Sci-fi is fine, just filter out the garbage for yourself and enjoy the good stuff.


I agree. I was one of the few who really enjoyed WOTW....

The super hero stuff is getting over saturated. It was good at the beginning but now we have had like 40 movies and 20 plus tv shows in just the space of 10 years.


I kinda disagree. We're overdoing it with Marvel films, sure. But I also think Cruise's most recent scifi films have a similar vibe. If you think his work is the best available, fair, but I think there's way better coming out. Ex Machina for example.
