His Ego
The stories of how big this guy's ego is are astounding. I thought they were actual comical, but I later checked up on all of the accounts and everyone was proved correct.
shareThe stories of how big this guy's ego is are astounding. I thought they were actual comical, but I later checked up on all of the accounts and everyone was proved correct.
shareDoesn't everyone really have an ego?
I do not see that much pride in Cameron - I actually see suffering in him. He does a lot of submarine exploration, he's cut off from the outside world.
It seems like he might have romance issues. He's had five marriages. Plus, in three of his movies, the main guy dies/barely survives while in love: Kyle Reese in Terminator, Jack Dawson in Titanic and Jake Sully almost dies in Avatar. So, maybe Cameron doesn't fully believe in experiencing true love in a long lasting relationship.
Cameron has a very high opinion of himself, even to people he is close to. One of his ex-wives even said he told her "Your a mother, anyone can do that. Only several people on Earth can do what I do." I was shocked by that, but then I remembered that he has over three divorces and it made sense.
shareWell, he would be right if it wasn't that his "doing" applies to anybody with a bit of technical skills. He is NOT that great a director nor artist, so his claim is a bit lame.
Being a mother is something almost any woman can do. Being a GOOD mother is more rare, but that's not what was talked there. (Also, I bet that whomever was this woman he was talking to, being one of his ex wives, she was not that great of a mother).
I'm a big fan of his, but yes, he's always been an asshole.
shareI knew something wasn't right with him when he won the Academy Award for "Titanic" and proclaimed himself "I'm king of the world." Most seemed to think he was being funny using the line from the movie, but there was always something cringey about that way he said it. Like he believed it.
shareA big ego that he could at least back up to some degree with his track record of making some classics. Since the 90's however I don't think he's capable of delivering that same quality anymore.
shareeveryone in Hollywood is a dick!
shareI would not say everyone. You get some people that are pretty nice and humble. Examples: Keanu Reeves, Hugh Jackman, Tom Hanks, Adam Sandler, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, Sam Worthington are a few.
shareNo, but I have not heard any bad stories about them.
shareMatt Damon left Minnie Driver hanging.
Mark Wahlberg burned down a building and said racist shit for starters.
Tom Hanks sided with Huffman and Lori.
The list goes on and on...
Mark Wahlberg was a bad person, but turned his life around and made amends with his victims. Minnie Driver broke up with Damon after he said he was single on a talk show. Hanks would probably side with Lori or Huffman as he is well acquainted with Huffman. The list does go on, but Cameron is probably in the top 10.
shareHis ego is also what gave us fantastic movies like Aliens, Terminator 2, Titanic, True lies and The Abyss.
I don't care about his character or private life, I care about his work.
True. He did give us good movies like Aliens, the two Terminator movies, True Lies, and The Abyss. Titanic is actually pretty cheesy and poorly written. But he nearly killed Ed Harris and another co-star on The Abyss, so at what cost?
shareI love the deluded concept that some people believe certain actors are nice, just because we don't read bad things about them.
shareI was only referring to actors who I had read good things about. Not celebrities' that I never read anything bad about.
shareWell, the good thing you read about those actors may not be true. They may be concocted by their publicists and managers.
On a basic level, I never decide whether I like or dislike a person until I have personally met them.
It's foolish to decide if you like or dislike actors just by what you read, with some obvious factual reporting aside.
I do tend to take what I hear reported with a grain of salt, but naively or not after I hear the same thing by various sources about the same person I tend to be more aware of it bordering on reality.
shareBut those sources could all be manipulated by people who are paid to create publicity, both good and bad, for people in the public eye.
I just dont believe in the 'numbers' principle' , as in the more people who say it then it must be true.
Also, other actors and directors who 'dish the dirt' on other actors are also prone to hyperbole and exaggeration, as evidenced in the usual 'worst person I ever worked with' type of headlines.
Chances are they may have just had a disagreement or a falling out, but the old standby 'worst ever' headline makes much better reading, especially as they tend to be shared across multiple sites all over the world. And hence they become 'truth'.
Titanic is a masterpiece no matter how you try to twist it. If all you can see in this movie are some cheesy lines (which are no doubt there), the joke is on you.
The sets, the effects, the attention to detail, the cast, the damn sinking alone is so brilliant that people who seriously dismiss this movie on the base of "ugh, love flick!" can safely be seen as trolls who shit on the movie for the sakes of shitting on it.
Film is subjective. I do not believe the joke is on me, because I am not the only one who does not love Titanic. In fact this is among many movie that won Best Picture at he Academy Awards that received massive backlash from audiences (Crash, Shakespeare in Love, Green Book, and Dances With Wolves are similar examples).
I never said the effects, set design, or cast were bad. In fact I agree that they are all great. What I dislike is that the story is week, the plot drags at times, and the fact that the movie focuses on two characters that never existed, while twisting the facts on people who were real by ignoring them altogether or lying about their fates.
You don't know him other than through the media, right? So what is there to judge?