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Paul Newman a partisan liberal.

Someone once mentioned to me on the IMDB message chats that Paul Newman had voted for a Republican once. I find that amusing considering that he was partisan liberal Democrat. Like most liberals it's not about individual per say but having extremely left views that matter. Newman was defiantly a left-wing extremist who dedicated his life to partisan politics. I don't think he would respect his conservative fanbase. As he be repulsed of the idea of having "righties" like him; even though he glady take their money.

Take a look: His movies often reflect his political views
Stumped the U.S. for Eugene McCarthy during his unsuccessful bid for the Democratic Party presidential nomination in 1968. Newman made the cover of LIFE Magazine with a McCarthy pin on his jacket on the May 10th, 1968 issue.
Supported anti-war Senator Eugene McCarthy's bid to win the Democratic nomination from incumbent President Lyndon Johnson in 1968, and actively campaigned for George McGovern in the 1972 presidential election.

Attended the inauguration of President Jimmy Carter on 20 January 1977.
Recorded a television advertisement for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in June 2007.

Supported Al Franken's campaign for election as US Senator from Minnesota.
Attended the main Democratic fund raiser for Senator John Kerry before the Democratic National Convention at Radio City Music Hall, along with Whoopi Goldberg, Jon Bon Jovi, Meryl Streep, Sarah Jessica Parker, Mary J. Blige, Chevy Chase and Jessica Lange. (13 August 2004).
Turned down the role of Harry Callahan in Dirty Harry (1971) because he thought the screenplay was too right-wing, and recommended Clint Eastwood for the part instead.

Also Paul Newman struck me as being a bit of intolerant jerk to those who he did not politically disagree with. Here are two instances that prove my point.
While campaigning for the Democrats in the 1968 U.S. Presidential election, Newman would rent a Jaguar on the weekends. When he found out that opponent Richard Nixon , who was known to his naysayers as "Tricky Dick", was renting the same car during the week, Newman left a note in it saying "This clutch is tricky, so you won't have any trouble with it."

During the 1950s and 1960s he was a close friend of fellow Democrat and civil rights activist Charlton Heston. Later, in 1983, after Heston's political beliefs had moved to the Right, both actors took opposing sides in a television debate on President Ronald Reagan's Star Wars defense missile program. Heston, much better briefed and prepared than Newman, was judged to have won the debate easily. Some years later, when Newman learned that Heston was supposed to introduce him at an awards ceremony, Newman insisted that his one-time friend be replaced by the liberal Donald Sutherland.

That was highly immature and shallow of him to do that to Charlton Heston even they differed in politics. In contrast to someone like John Wayne was very much a conservative showed better class. Like when I received an Oscar for role in True Grit it as presented by the liberal darling Barbara Streisand he did pull a Paul Newman and request it be someone like Jimmy Stewart who held many of political view that Wayne had. Wayne was a total professional on and off the set. He worked many liberals throughout his acting career like Kirk Douglas, Richard Widmark and Katheryn Hepburn. He would praise fellow actors regardless of their politics and lifestyles. I can’t imagine Paul Newman ever doing such a thing. He restricted to be associated people who were politically liked minded like was.

Another thing great John Wayne in contrast to Paul Newman was show better respect and class to people who he politically disagreed with.

John Wayne on John Kennedy
John Wayne was a conservative. But in 1960 he said this after the election of John Kennedy: "I didn't vote for him, but he's my President, and I hope he does a good job."
Wayne on Jimmy Carter
"He's my president now. I'm an American and I support him. Maybe I disagree with his politics but the people elected him, and I respect him for that."
He attended the inauguration of President Jimmy Carter on 20 January 1977

He made three movies with Kirk Douglas, despite the fact that the two men did not like each other and had very different political ideologies. Wayne was a conservative Republican while Douglas was a very liberal Democrat. Wayne criticized Douglas for playing Vincent Van Gogh in Lust for Life (1956), and publicly criticized him for hiring blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, one of the "Hollywood Ten", to write the screenplay for Spartacus (1960). Douglas later praised Wayne as a true professional who would work with anybody if he felt they were right for the part.

Speaking of Kirk Douglas he surprised Ronald and Nancy Reagan when he showed up to Regan’s Inaugural ball. I paraphrase that when Reagan said Kirk what are you doing here? Douglas response was “you’re are president.”
Kirk Douglas attended the state funeral of former President Ronald Reagan, with Charlton Heston, Tom Selleck and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, on June 11, 2004. even Kirk Douglas a Democrat has class

I can’t imagine Paul Newman ever doing such a thing like attending an inauguration of Republican President or say anything kind. He was restricted to be associated people who were politically liked minded like he was. I imagine that if Newman had the opportunity he would piss on Reagan’s grave. I truly believe Newman do such a things as in sink with his true character of Paul Newman do such a grotesque thing.

This is an example of the political mindset Paul Newman
It'd be lunatic to try to get into politics at my age. I don't think I'd have the stomach for it. I wish I felt a little more comfortable about the direction that we're going. It does not seem to be of the people, by the people and for the people. It seems to be about something else completely different. I think part of it is the media's fault for not being more aggressive and persistent and nasty and I think it's the people's fault for not paying attention. That's not a good combination. It allows people in government to do pretty much what they want.

He didn’t feel comfortable with direction America was aheading so he was obviously taking a jab at George W. Bush. He felt that media was too soft during Bush era which is not true at all. The news media was highly partisan attacking Bush throughout his two terms as President. This just shows how out of touch Newman was and what an uber liberal he really was. Paul Newman preferred to see the country divided rather then united for the betterment of Americans.

If Paul Newman was still alive I imagine he put in two cents to the film “American Sniper” by joining Michael Moore, Seth Rogen, Alec Baldwin in publically bashing “Chris Kyle.” Even though Newman is service vet of WW2 which I’m sure he was proud of his service to his country, never the less that not make him supporter of the Military. He’s opposition to the Vietnam War proved that proved didn’t fully support the troops. Even though were drafted and did not be over their fighting. Yet to Paul Newman he put politics above patriotism. He obviously felt great stratification in opposing the Vietnam conflict as it gave him satisfaction other his mediocre acting talent.

Aside for from stinking politics is his perverted mind

In the 1970s, long before Brokeback Mountain (2005), he was thwarted by Hollywood in his desire to star in the movie version of the best-selling novel "The Front Runner", about the love affair between a male coach and a male star runner. The project remains unmade.

It would really be creepy film. I doubt his fanbase at that would accept Newman in this role when they are used to see him in romantic leads with leading ladies. I understand that what he was trying to do. He pioneering an attempt to normalize and glorify homosexuality. Can you say Jerry Sandusky and Penn State molestation nightmare. Regardless of gender or sexual orientation, teacher’s and coaches having sexual relations their pupils is evil and disgusting. To think that Paul Newman thought it would be great idea for film. Yeah I can imagine today’s social climate it would do very well at the box office. With the latest of teachers being arrested for having sex with a minor. Paul Newman had evil twisted mind. I understand that there is accusations that he was bisexual. I wouldn’t surprise me if it was true of desired to making of male on male sexual relationship

Now, I know liberals that mostly makeup his fanbase would have no problem with his politics as it is added reason to like Paul Newman. It adds luster to his persona that liberal admire in him. Yet, there people who are not liberal that enjoy his work even the man himself. Sorry liberals you can't have him all to yourselves.


Yeah I could tell that you heavily biased. Comparing Paul Newman's and John Wayne's acting and viewing the later as a terrible actor. Usually a liberal would think that way.

Besides, what's wrong with being a partisan liberal. It is a helluva lot better than being a partisan conservative.

So you admit that liberals are partisan jerks. Could you elaborate as to why being a liberal partisan better than versus a conservative partisan? If that's how you think than don't act though your open minded which can't be because your head is in the dark. Obviously your not a great thinker and that is expected of a liberal. Or simply you're just a hypocrite and I bet you often complain about partisanship from right. Don't you?


IF you were a serious adult someones Politics would be separate from their work

I think Wayne and Newman are BOTH fine actors

ALL the flaming Liberals in Hollywood said the same thing about Wayne --- That he was a stand up guy and very talented and easy to get along with. and didn't talk politics unless YOU brought it up

SO in short --- Get Over Yourself
