MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Which Celebrity death shocked (and affec...

Which Celebrity death shocked (and affected) you the most????

There have been quite a few. But probably, because one was such a huge fan, plus hoping for a Beatles reunion....

John Lennon


Just thought of another one.

Once again a shock that affected me personally because one was a huge fan....

Philip Seymour Hoffman

Ok, looking forward to some other takes.....


And another

Once again, a big fan of his, plus he was so young.....

Heath Ledger


Princess Diana’s death was a shock, partly because of her age but mostly because of the circumstances, being chased by the paps. It seemed such an avoidable waste of a kind hearted humanitarian’s life.

I was also genuinely upset when Bowie passed. Although it was natural causes it was shocking because there was no indication he was even ill beforehand and because he was such an influential figure in popular music. His work made him an idol for me and I couldn’t quite believe he was gone. It still seems surreal.

If I’m still around when Dolly Parton goes there’s going to be a period of mourning and grief for me. A world without her positive light feels like it would be less magical.


Yeah, Diana, that was crazy, total shock.

I'm sorry about Bowie, I liked him too.

Thanks for the response.


Pleasure mate, thank you for the interesting topic.


Did you know that David Bowie recorded Blackstar in the full knowledge that he was dying, which adds to the poignancy of the album (Bowie Fan Andy).


I did indeed.

I agree, although honestly I have to say it’s not my favourite work of his. I find it quite morose, which also makes sense given the recording circumstances. I find it a difficult album to embrace and I haven’t spun it much since its release.

The Next Day gets much more rotation from me.


Leonard Cohen's passing didn't come as a shock, but it's the only celebrity death that affected me.


Thank you for the reply.


It's usually after I look someone up and not necessarily when it happens.

The one that stands out was Adrienne Shelly. I had just watched her film Waitress, enjoyed it and wanted to learn more about her and then found out what happened to her. Just goes to show you, you can be on top of the world one moment and slid right off the next.


Yeah - incredibly unfortunate.

If one remembers correctly, some whacko knocked her off.

Yes, I believe "Waitress" had just come out - she wrote it too as I recall.

Then she was gone - terrible.

Thanks for the reply.


The killer tried to disguise it as a suicide and the police were initially onboard - it was the husband who got them to look deeper.

But, her film lives on.


I just looked it up.

She wrote and directed "Waitress". Although not a box office bonanza, it did make a few bucks. ANd it was critically acclaimed.

It was actually a posthumous release, 6 months after she passed.

SHe was definitely murdered - but who knows what really happened as the idiot that did it has had several different stories.

ANyway, what a shame. Married with a child, bright future, and some whacko took it from her.


Jeez, I looked it up too.
An illegal immigrant convicted for the murder of a mother with a two year old child sentenced to only 25 years.



Lots of greats are gone now but that period of time during 2016-2017 when we lost Bowie, Prince AND Tom Petty was pretty harsh. Three legends died so close together and I didn’t even know they had problems.


I still miss Tom Petty. 😥


Same here.


Glenn Frey's death was really sad to me. The Eagles have been a part of my life for so many years and Frey was someone whose music I listened to for years and years. Hard to believe he's been dead over 9 years now.

A couple of recent ones from the sports world...Joe Morgan and Pete Rose. Baseball was my favorite sport growing up as a kid and I was a huge Cincinnati Reds' fan (I saw 11 Reds' games at the old Riverfront Stadium from 1980 to 1990). The Big Red Machine was such a huge part of my life as a kid. Morgan was the first to go and then Pete went last year (complex legacy and all). But those two really hit me hard.


Phil Hartman! How did I forget him in my earlier post?!?

He was terrific and only 49, he had many years of laughs to deliver. The manner of his death struck tons of people really hard.


You’re right that was a shock and such a tragic and bizarre manner of passing.

For me The Simpsons were never the same without Troy McClure.
