MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do pro wrestling fans represent the nadi...

Do pro wrestling fans represent the nadir of the human gene pool?

It's unfathomable that any semi-intelligent American adult could watch this stuff and actually believe it's legitimate competition. I give kids a pass, but failing to notice the blatant contrivances of wrestling by adulthood would require retard-level IQ (sub 70).

Beyond the obviously fake in-ring action, it's particularly cringeworthy when you read online posts from people who think the absurd, over-the-top storylines are actually legitimate. For example, a bunch of dumb hicks believe that wrestler "Bret 'The Hitman' Hart" died after falling from the rafters of an arena some 30 years ago. Even when the guy made a big return to the WWF 15 years ago to wrestle the disgusting "Vince McMahon" at "WrestleMania", these dumbasses still didn't manage to snap out of the belief that he had died. Then again, there was a wrestler called "The Undertaker" whom fans actually thought was a reanimated dead mortician.

Rant over.


Awwww jeez, I thought it was for real. Lol, well it is! Those wrestler/athlete/entertainers, everything you see happening to them is what it is. You see them get slammed down rather hard onto a canvas that's hard, but has some give. Then you see them fall, thrown and often hit with foreign objects all in the name of entertainment. Those performers as they are like other athletes, are risking life and like the players on professional sports teams. There has to be some degree of planning put into that since they're taking so many high flying risks and using objects as part of it, or they would suffer serious injury on a frequent and severe level. Like BKB said, your overthinking it. Movies and tv is the same, it follows a script, even if it's a true story, it's all being acted out and directed. Are you just as critical about tv and movies as you are wrestling/sports entertainment? Maybe you should give it a go, and see for yourself if you would be up to doing what those wrestlers do. I would bet if you weren't trained and know what they know, you would get hurt fast, like probably from the first body slam or suplex, lol.


When I got into wrestling as a young kid in the early 80's, I don't personally remember anyone among my schoolmates who argued it was legitimate. We all knew what the score was. When I was in a tape-trading circle in the early 90's, the other guys were all young and successful, professionals and even a couple lawyers. Among celebrities, a lot of smart, creative people, Billy Corgan, Bob Mould, Andy Kaufman, etc., have been riveted by pro wrestling.

I realize the OP is taking the piss, but the claim that people think (or thought) wrestling's real is nonsense.


Its unfathomable that you haven't considered that the wrestling fans might know that its not real.


Yes, I am now coming to realise there are people who actually know WWE is fake, but continue to watch anyway. This represents a level of mental defection even more alarming than thinking the stuff is real combat. It's like ordering a boxing or UFC pay-per-view, and cheering on your guy, despite knowing the outcome has already been determined. Good fucking grief.


I do find it puzzling yeah.
Maybe they look at it like a sitcom / soap opera or something


Movies are also "fake" and the ending has been predetermined but people still watch them. What's your point?


No, I don’t think so.
People like different entertainment. You’d have to point a Colt Peacemaker in my ear to watch Beaches but one of favorite movies is Conan The Barbarian.

It’s all so subjective, let the people pick their entertainment. Who cares really?


Pro Wrestling never appealed to me either.


It doesn't do anything for me. However....

If someone is a fan of it - well God bless 'em, it's their business.

Interesting side note, a friend of ours from the 80s - a guy we endlessly made fun of because he was so into wrestling.....

Ended up making a nice pool of $ selling the video tapes he made from the era.


My brother watched it in the late 60s and was laughing. He knew it was fake as a preteen. It was bad reality TV forever!
