MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I miss IMDB boards. MovieChat has TOO F...

I miss IMDB boards. MovieChat has TOO FEW users but Reddit has TOO MANY!

I thought IMDB was just the right amount of commentary on Movies/TV (minus the trolls).

MovieChat is < 10% of the content that IMDB had, so I've tried Reddit as a replacement and the responses just go ON AND ON AND ON AND ON....... way Too much content. People don't bother actually READING the other responses before repeating EXACTLY the same answer, jfc, that is not a meaningful contribution. It just means you think everyone cares what YOU have to say, even if it's already been said 10 times before.

Reddit has a LIKE button and MANY people use it. (would help here too)... but WAY TOO MANY people make a useless comment like "Yes I thought so too"... that adds NOTHING to the conversation but takes up space, and takes time to scroll past. So frustrating. Not enough constructive commentary.

I wish there were a happy medium.


I try to live fairly resentment-free, but there are a few things that can still piss me off if I dwell on them: Firefly getting cancelled and IMDb shutting down its boards. The boards couldn't have been a net money loss for the site, as text-only storage/serving costs must be negligible, I'd imagine, compared to ad revenue. And you *know* they didn't put any money towards development or moderation. They just didn't want the rabble talking amongst themselves.

This place is pretty cool; you just have to wait longer to get that odd reply to an obscure post you made on a movie's board...


Firefly getting cancelled

yup , thats a big one
Thats the scifi equalivalient of Jim Morrison , Hendrix and Elvis dying in their prime .


I can understand why imdb closed forums , its like trying to sell your house with a 4chan / frat party going on next door.

"rabble" being the operative word.
Its not that they dont want the rabble talking amongst themsleves , its just *where* they were doing it.


Movie Chat is about as close to IMDB as you're going to get and it's a damn good website that's laid back with very little MOD interaction unless called upon to do so
