MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How come in some cases it is necessary t...

How come in some cases it is necessary to PROVE the truth whereas in others someone's word is enough for it.

Besides legal ones but even ones where there's a "threat" of telling off, sanction, being excluded from school or from work for instance...

In some cases, a person may say something about someone and they believe them that's it. But in others, especially legal ones, there needs to be very special interrogation and investigation methods, gathering of evidence, witnesses etc. Why is someone's word merely enough in some instances and not at all enough in others, what is the truth (if no mystery) behind it all.

And is it all entirely normal, natural and logical and we don't have to fear stuff like accusations of stupidity, ignorance and people angrily calling us out for it or even calling us names that, obviously if WRONGLY accused is something that isn't allowed but if correctly even angrily called out upon, that IS the right way to go etc, and should general public really be aware and concerned about it all let alone too much?


P.S. Even if some people believe someone's word IS enough, if I or others wanted further proof and confirmation without immediate disbelief like that, is that alright? Even if the matter generally doesn't require such proof but for someone its more convenient.


It is my opinion that nobody should believe something that they hear that could be damaging to someone else without hard proof, but unfortunately proof is not always available. Rumors can ruin friendships, relationships and even lives but people don't always require evidence to believe them. And even when rumors are proven untrue, if they've been out there long enough they will have attached themselves to the victim and sometimes it's too late and the reputation is ruined.

In high school an unhappy, destructive person started an untrue rumor about me and I lost a close friend because of it.

Read that again.

I lost a CLOSE friend because of someone else's lie. I was devastated.

There was no evidence to back up the rumor but my friend was insecure enough about it that our friendship was ruined.

Never believe a rumor without evidence.


Well, yes, that too. :)

But I was wondering why in life in general, it works like that.


Well, the only opinions I believed in and trusted with no question was...

My parents

WHy? Because I knew they never had a selfish motivation when it came to me.

With others, difficult to say but true - listen to the opinion , but you have to learn the truth on your own.

"OH that guy, he's a f*&^%$, A*&^%$e"

Well, if you actually spend time with said FAH, you may find out you what you heard was nonsense.


Take my word for it, proof is a necessary precondition for the establishment of truth.

