Many people are triggered by "wokeness" but I applaud Hollywood for its efforts to be more diverse.
Sadly I disagree with the prevailing approach of taking the same old stories/settings and just substituting minorities or women into roles of white men. At best this is lazy, at worst it rewrites history or sacred mythologies, which can be condescending and dismissive in many ways.
Instead, why not new stories? These stories could be based in the past outside Europe and showcase other cultures and peoples as they were. Or they could be based in the future in which case it is truly realistic to see diverse people regardless of geographic locations. All this could continue with an appropriate rebalancing that would still allow "white/men" stories to continue to be told.
I think a real problem for writers is that ‘it’s all been done.’
I had an art professor I quite admired, I took acrylic, oil, drawing and watercolor painting classes from him and his wife. Lovely couple of people.
His name was Tom and he swore it has all been done, there is nothing new or exciting to create.
Maybe he was right so now Hollywood just remakes classic old films with a new spin.
To some extent this is true, nothing new under the sun. The enduring themes and struggles we experience as humans are always the same. But exploring a theme from a different angle is still different than remaking a previous movie beat for beat just with other actors.
The problem is, the nutty activists pushing this woke crap have no creativity at all. All they can think about is politics and "destroying white culture." Plus, they don't have a single original thought in their tiny minds. That, and the higher-level types among them knew a long time ago that they would never be able to market their political crap by itself. So they decided to not only destroy stories we had all loved in the past, but to also pull a bait-and-switch with the movies involved at the same time. They basically served movie-goers shit sandwiches with fake wrapping resembling the stories people had grown up with and loved for years.
It gets even worse. These idiots pursued a very stupid avenue of completely dumping the original, older audiences for specific franchises, just to pursue an audience that doesn't exist. They wanted tiny groups of young, stupid activists like themselves to watch, rather than the older crowd they hated, not realizing it's the older crowd that has the money and interest, not the fake "modern audiences" they were chasing. The target audiences have mostly not been interested, and are often broke.
And how did they respond when the target audiences didn't appear and the established one told them like it was? Instead of changing course and fixing the issue, they acted like a bunch of spoiled, entitled kids and launched an insult campaign, completely throwing the concept of marketing out the window. If any other business tried the same crap as Hollyweird, they would be filing Chapter 11 in less than 6 months. I guess for Hollyweird, it took 8 years instead, considering how much money they've lost to wokeness and how many studios had to be sold or merged with others to make ends meet. Even Disney isn't doing so great these days, and they were the ones with the most money and spearheading this crap.
That sums Disney's Star Wars in a nutshell. A bunch of insane Liberal white women thinking they are on the right side of history destroying a piece of white culture because it was created by a white man. Everyone calls them out for this garbage and lack of creativity in storytelling and they blame the audience for rejecting this shit.
It's not just Star Wars. Pretty much any franchise that had a strong, heroic, white male at the center of it has suffered under this woke crap for the past 8 years.
"but I applaud Hollywood for its efforts to be more diverse"
Why? How does "diversity" as a deliberate goal rather than a natural byproduct of certain stories/settings, improve a movie? It doesn't, obviously. In fact, it makes it worse, because anything that isn't organic to the story/setting, i.e., out of place, takes away from believability (verisimilitude).
First of all, the stories aren't all that different in reality either.
There's the additional element of a homophobic environment many of these people have to deal with, but other than that, queer people have love stories that sometimes work out, sometimes break up and all the rest of it, just like hetero couples have, there really isn't much of a difference.
Furthermore there are a lot of "new" stories, i.e. some movies mix homophobic reactions of the environment into an otherwise normal love story, which results in totally new storylines.
Then there are "coming of age" movies where characters first have to figure out who they are and what they want, where some characters experiment with the diversity but then figure out they prefer to be straight and others figure out being queer is right for them, which also is a totally new kind of stories.
Last but not least, as almost always, Hollywood isn't setting trends, they only follow the trends.
Up to a few years ago pretty much all Hollywood movies and series about queer people ended in disaster, there was even a very short saying among queer people about what Hollywood did, "kill the gay".
Then Hollywood went a bit softer and some of their movies didn't kill the gay people anymore but they still didn't give them a happy end, they broke them up in worst possible drama, as if they wanted to portrait queer relationships as always failing.
On the leading front of trend setting are independent productions, mostly low budget, with a weak storyline and amateurish actors, but they multiply on social media faster than you can keep track and they have produced so many stories with happy ends for queer people that even Hollywood couldn't ignore the success of these stories anymore.
Very recently increasing amounts of Hollywood movies with queer couples have a happy end.
Of course there are still stories without happy end, but in real life not all love stories have a happy end either, so for the representation they are getting pretty close to reality by now.
The people making movies live in an environment that is the polar opposite of "homophobic". For the past few decades anything in their world, real or imagined, that contained even a whiff of homosexuality was celebrated and praised.
You'll have to forgive us for having zero fucks to give on that score. Poor babies want to eat their cake and have it too.
Yes it was, in the private life of the actors, in the media, etc., but not on screen, because on screen producers wanted to make the highest possible profit and while the majority of people in the world used to be deeply religious and homophobic up to about 20 years ago, movie producers rarely dared showing diversity in movies.
The few times they did, of course they cheerished it, but in percentage of all movie productions that was a next to meaningless fraction.
Looking at the replies it saddens me how people are no longer able to separate these ideas from government involvement. Of course once that enters the picture people retreat to their corners and discussion comes to a screeching halt.
To me this is about art, fairnness and historical accuracy. At the rate we are going nothing will remain as something than can be discussed independently on its own merit.
Historically accurate would be statements like "there have ALWAYS been roughly 35% of all humans not plain straight".
Science has figured out by now that 65% of people inherit their sexual identity and orientation through the genes of their parents and since most parents are hetero that gives 65% of the population being hetero.
The other 35% of all people get their sexual identity and orientation from switches in the brain that develop totally independent from the body and whether or not those switches match the bodies gender is a matter of random, therefore the world has always had and will keep on having 35% of all people on a spectrum somewhere between 99.9% straight and 100% gay with all the variations like bi or trans in between.
Only religious authority has suppressed this and forced especially the women into a hetero life.
What we're currently seeing in the world is some kind of last battle of religion against progress.
Atheists are the fastest growing group of people in the world, Europe has over 50% today already and the US will get to 50% by 2060, atheists are on average way more liberal and progressive than religious people are and given these numbers religious people are getting more and more aggressive in their attempts to win an already lost battle.
People are just annoyed with pandering. They call it wokeness but the real reason people hate a lot of stuff is the pandering from out of touch west coast people.
It's like that teacher you had in the late 80's who tried to be hip by using the words, "groovy, Far Out, and Radical."