MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do people eat grits where you live?

Do people eat grits where you live?

And if so, do you eat them? I'm just curious since my understanding is that they are mostly a food regional to the South. I'm wondering how far past the South they've actually migrated.


Wtf is "grits"? Sounds gross.



I think it is basically ground up corn. I'm guessing it was born out of people using what they had on hand in a region of the country where corn was plentiful.


Only had them in South Carolina. I'm not a fan.


If you ever have an opportunity to try cheese grits, maybe give them one more chance.


Yep. They were served about 3x a week at base. Not a fan.


Oh well. At least I know two foods you don't like now.


We'll see how much that grows. Been on Carnivore. Will be for 90 days. I'm hoping it fixes the issues. Doc thinks so.


I'm sorry you're having what sound like medical issues. I wouldn't pick on you for that. It was just funny to bring up avocados periodically.


It's appreciated


I was raised on grits and love the little buggers. I live in Oklahoma, but as far as I can tell, they aren’t commonly eaten here.


I think that's the key- if you were raised with them, they just feel like a normal part of breakfast, and they can be quite tasty.


Hominy is one of the few foods I cannot tolerate. So no, we don't eat grits here.


I'm sorry that you do not live in harmony with hominy.

Sorry I really tried to stop myself from typing that. I'm just too big of a dork to control myself.


That's okay. I love poesy.
