Favourite Computer Game Music
This is among my top picks:
It was also such a classic game back in the 90s.
This is among my top picks:
It was also such a classic game back in the 90s.
I played plenty of Star Wars games so I listened to the movie soundtracks while playing. I'm surprised that I'm not sick of the music.
shareI almost used this in my OP, as this is certainly in my top 10 videogame soundtracks:
I take it you also played the game?
Yep! And Jedi Knight 2, Jedi Academy, Battlefront, Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2, Force Unleased 1 & 2 - some multiple times.
I must have listened to Star Wars game music for hundreds (thousands?) of hours.
I need to update my PC to play the newer ones.
Cool. I've played all of them apart from Force Unleashed. I play Battlefront at the moment.
shareI've heard good things about the latest Battlefront and Jedi Survivor and Fallen Order games.
I only played the original Battlefront which went through the original 6 movies.
I'm playing Grand Theft Auto 5 which has a good soundtrack on the car radio. My 3rd year playing and I'm only halfway through. Little time to play 😫
I think I've played all of the Battlefront games and I have been playing Battlefront 2 for a few years now - I'm kinda addicted to it.
Yes, the GTA games are great and some of the radio stations have some brilliant playlists. I also played all of the GTA games although I could never get into GTA5, despite trying on a couple of occasions. I wasn't a fan of playing as multiple characters (including the dog at the beginning!).
Jedi Knight games were awesome. I could do nothing but force choke randoms in multiplayer for hours and not get bored.
shareTotally agree! My favorite video game is Jedi Knight 2 in which the darkside came out of me. On the PC, coding could be tweeked so the lightsaber could cutoff body parts. I spent hours chopping off limbs plus force pushing stormtroopers from high places to hear their pitiful screams on the way down and force choking Imperial officers.
At the end of Academy, I started killing other Jedi to see what would happen. One screamed that "I" had fallen to the darkside, so they all began attacking me at once.
Riding the speeder bikes and boss levels were fun, too.
Jedi Knight 2 was my favorite of those games and I remember that about too much friendly fire as well. Those were some of the best games of the time and weren't topped by a Star Wars game until KOTR came out. That's sweet with the modding and I didn't know that was possible. I played it on PC but was pretty young back then and didn't know about editing text files until Counterstrike came out. It would have been cool lightsabering limbs off or making people explode with force lightning.
shareJedi Knight 2 was my first premium game. It took me an entire year to finish it the first time I played.
There was a cheat code for dismemberments.
Dark Forces 1 was too old to play on new PCs, so a bunch of fans asked Lucasarts if they could use the Jedi Knight 2 game engine to recreate it. It must have been George Lucas himself who allowed them to use the game engine PLUS all music, art, coding, etc. for free. to recreate it. He was the best! I was able to play the first 5 levels, but I don't know if they ever finished the game.
I’m not sure which one, but I played a Final Fantasy game in 1993 and that music is still stuck in my head.
shareFinal Fantasy 6 even had an opera scene. I played it for the first time on zsnes emulator like 7 years ago, and it's one of the greatest adventures I've had in gaming.
Seiken Densetsu 3(Secret of Mana 2) was also superb. Every main character has their own intro/side story, and they were all interesting. I was also a huge fan of the original Secret of Mana, so a lot of things were sorta familiar.
That opera scene sounds familiar! What year was that from? I played it around 93-94.
shareAny of these folks look familiar?
Yes, I’m whistling the theme now!!
shareThe soundtrack to Quake by Nine Inch Nails.
This is also a classic.
shareZelda: Ocarina of Time
Most of the OST's from the Castlevania series, especially Bloody Tears
I own three video game score/soundtrack albums: Valve's The Orange Box (mostly for Portal), Portal 2: Songs to Test By and The Last of Us.
shareThe soundtrack to Katamari Damacy.