MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is message boarding a hobby?

Is message boarding a hobby?

How would you classify message boarding?

A hobby?
A form of communication?
A temporary escape to a virtual world?
A resource for questions?
A pastime?

When I retired, the search for additional hobbies began. I've done many of the traditional things like gardening, reading, decorating my home, etc. I've spent additional time with family and friends. I still felt like something was missing, though, and every time I'd ask myself "What do I enjoy doing?" I would think about how much I missed being on the IMDb message board. So, long story short, after I performed some more research, that's how you got stuck with me.

Obviously the response will vary from person to person depending on how frequently they visit a message board, why they visit it and how many connections (if any) they've chosen to make. I think the experience can vary from a rare place to ask a question to a close-knit online community filled with unexpected friends. I've experienced it both ways. I think all answers are valid too, and none should be looked down upon.

But in YOUR opinion, what exactly is message boarding?


I love gardening, reading and decorating👍

Message Boarding is sort of a hobby but then, with the fun regs which we have here, it can be a nice way to connect with people around the world about movies, TV, music and books.

We have a lot of dedicated regs here that really seem to hit it off. I know I can be very unpleasant with a couple people but for the most part we are lucky we all met.

I love MC.


In my short time on this board, I have seen that you value the connections you've made here in the same way I valued the friendships I made on my former board. The close knit community here is one of the things that inspired me to give this place a try. A message board can be anything someone wants it to be, but the connections take it to a new level.


I’m very glad you found us, you are a valued contributor.

Thank You for joining us, it’s a fun crew.


Thank you for making me feel welcome. 🙂


It is in a way, yes.


