MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Geographic diversity of this board

Geographic diversity of this board

I hope this is okay to ask but one of the things I looooooved about IMDb was that it drew people from all over the world. 🌎🌍🌏 I learned about other countries from people who actually lived there which is so much more valuable than reading about it in a textbook. I'm just curious what countries people here are from. No need to give specific information like cities (or states if in the US), just countries. Just curious. πŸ™‚

I'm from the US.


I always have to wait for you guys to wake up and respond to my comments. :D


So cool! One of my friends on the IMDb board lived in Europe and was five or six hours ahead of me so she would always say "greetings from the future" as a joke. I worked with people in the UK before I retired and they were always 5 or 6 hours ahead, too. I think keeping up with the time difference is part of the fun. 😁 I hope I can learn more about Hungary from you. I admittedly don't know that much aside from a little about the food- and that's questionable because I learned it on The Brady Bunch. 😊


Well, after our cuisine we're best known about an athlete, Ferenc Puskas. But I know soccer is not that big overseas, so I doubt you have heard about him (especially since his hayday was in the middle of the last century).
Anyway, our food is certainly considered great worldwide, most of the traditional dishes are a variaton of a stew, based on white onions and sweet paprika, usually containing meat.

What's interesting (given the theme of MC), is the kind of movies that got popular here. During the years of the Soviet influence, we did not have much access to certain media from the West. Somehow, while I was growing up, TV mainly showed movies by Bud Spencer & Terence Hill, Jackie Chan, and films from the neighbouring countries, but not much stuff from the US. Of course, later on, especially now in the era of streaming, it's just like anywhere else, but I think that was a hungarian uniqueness.

I wonder if there's anybody else from my country here?


If I remember it correctly Puskas played for Real.


si seΓ±or


muy bien!


I'm from one of the Islamic states of Europe


It is so great to see so many parts of the world represented on this board! I would say it's more geographically diverse than the one I was on before which is exciting.






US, Minnesota.


Spanish / German
