MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Am I being racist?

Am I being racist?

I get really upset whenever I see other races making a career from dancing hip hop. Hip hop was created from the black experience. These other races don't know anything about being black. They couldn't care less about black people.

I don't see blacks in ballroom dancing. Does that mean that blacks aren't good enough?

Why is it that blacks are not accepted in other dance professions of other cultures but other cultures are good enough to be professional hip hop dancers?

I understand that there are some blacks dancing ballet professionally. Keep in mind though with ballet, a traditionally caucasian or Asian dance profession, only take the very BEST.

But it seems like with hip hop, anybody is good enough? I'm sorry but I want the very BEST dancing hip hop. Only a black person can accomplish that the very best hip hop choreography.

Does feeling all that make me racist? I hope not.😟


Wait, do you also have a problem with white people rapping? If so we might have a problem you and I…


Yes I do. So do many others. That's why there are so few white rappers able to last long in the business. Eminem is technically a good rapper. He just has no soul nor can Eminem rap about traditional subjects(that is the standard) that rappers rap about because he is a white man who is incapable of relating to the culture of hip hop which foundation is the black human experience. So what Eminem does is modify the game and then master the technical aspects of the art and gets by doing just that.

"If so we might have a problem you and I…"

Is that supposed to frighten me?


To answer your question ; No, it’s supposed to let you know that I’m white and I rap. Dum dum ! 😝

I mean, how sad would it be if everyone on the Earth thought that if you can’t rap about the traditional subject (and are not a black person from the ghetto) you shouldn’t do rap? It would be really sad. Thank God everyone is not like you, my dear Tina.


It's not gonna matter if you're racist or not. It's a Catch-22 game. The woke nutcases online will find any excuse to brand you with the "R" word if you don't hip hop to every part of their dance tune (whose rules change at the drop of a hat), and the moment you put one toe out of line (unless you're not white), they'll just brand you as one anyway out of spite. There's no way to win with them.


I'm not totally againat woke culture like you obviously are


You mean an insane culture that constantly contradicts itself, stirs up trouble between groups, constantly goes on witch hunts on the web, gets people fired over the dumbest stuff, demands mental conformity like a cult and attacks anyone who disagrees with them (including their own when the rules change), that woke? Yeah, I've never been a fan of that kind of BS.
