How do you like your orange juice?
This is gonna sound like blasphemy, but I like orange juice from concentrate like Hi-C or Tang. Sweet and without pulp.
shareThis is gonna sound like blasphemy, but I like orange juice from concentrate like Hi-C or Tang. Sweet and without pulp.
sharewith cells.
Very cold.
Meh. I prefer grape juice and cranberry juice to orange juice. Orange juice doesn't go with Jellied toast.
shareI prefer grape drank n' sheeeeiit.
sharePretty much only like Tropicana. I like it pulpy with breakfast and no pulp whatsoever with screwdrivers. Don't drink it much anymore but when I was young i'd knock back a half gallon of the stuff a day.
shareVery pulpy. Chewier the better. 😊
shareIf you had asked me 5 years ago I would have said freshly squeezed with vodka.