Yes, I have taken acid, shrooms, and dmt many times but never had anything close to this kind of experience. It was years since my last trip so my tolerance was down but that wasn't the only thing. The solar eclipse was beautiful and brought it on I think. I not only transported back in time to my youth but also changed locations. I was crying hard and hugging my dog on a Cleveland beach called Edgewater while totality hit thinking about my life. Then all the pain washed away with the sound of the waves. I was transported back to 2003 when I was an innocent child on a beach in Costa Rica. During this time in my life everything was fine, my mom was alive, I was happy without a problem in the world. Spent my days back then making friends and hanging out with all the friendly stray street dogs. The experience only lasted a couple seconds but when I came back to the present reality I remember thinking, "That little kid you used to be would be so disappointed in the addict you became".
The pain and trauma is still there but I have a new outlook now and am dealing it head-on in healthy ways instead of running away from it like I used too