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What's the longest you've ever been stuck in traffic?

Either as a driver or passenger.

As a passenger, about hour. It was raining quite heavily, so the cars just stopped.

As a driver, Around 4-5 hours. Almost a decade ago. There was an accident involving those big ass trucks. Thankfully, no one was hurt badly.

But man oh man, that ordeal sucked.


2-3 hours due to a couple of semi's flipping. Wasn't even near it, but basically the highway was shutdown and took forever for traffic to be diverted.


Not necessarily stuck in traffic, but years ago coming back from a road trip that should have taken about 2½ hours, it instead took almost 9 hours due to a raging blizzard. Oh, and it was nighttime. Never should have made the trek. Should have waited until the next day. Oh well, it was an adventure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


trying to leave a festival in Ft worth, 2 hours. once we did get on the Highway we drove right by a 3 car pileup with fatalities. it was like a badtrip looking back at that leaving Rockstock 99


3.5 hours on I-81 due to bad accident involving passenger car and 18 wheeler. Both sides of highway involved.


I can't drive but as a kid I remember my dad getting stuck in a traffic jam on the interstate with my mom, older brother, and 2 older sisters in the van with him. And this was back in the early 90s when we didn't have online cell phones or Portable DVD players. We'd listen to the musicals Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor coat on long drives in the car. On cassettes.


Some comedian had a joke about “how do you hitchhike on I-95?”. You tap on their window.


I95 can be terrible but hardly any road beats the Cross Bronx ‘Expressway’ for frustration and road jams. I do hear bad things about the L.A. Freeway but I’ve never been there.
