Well, if we get into reality - is the world going to end? It certainly is. In about 5 billion years the Earth will be swallowed up by the Sun. And of course life itself could always end on Earth. A nuclear war could do it. A worldwide epidemic. A asteroid hitting us similar to the one that destroyed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
However, I don't think it's anything to lose any sleep over.
I think what we, the current residents of Earth, should be most concerned with are global warming (climate change) and The Malthusian principle.
I remember there were some issues, nothing critical and very isolated that I know of, but were resolved quickly.
Do you think that all the work/race to update systems in time caused the Y2k scares and predictions to fall apart? This is what I presumed happened, but idk.
The largest issue was the 2 digit dates back then, instead of 4 digits. Not knowing how finacial tracking would deal with going from year 99 to year 00. Would all the ledgers subtract themselves and similar. But even that was just a numbers thing. Not elevators dropping, medical machines stopping, planes dropping... most phsyical things would continue on as usual.
It totally helped avert a numbers bigger mess by racing to fix it.
And, of course, the "Sky is falling" media was all over it.
I'm sure there were some outlier machines dependant on computers that hiccupped, but mostly it was just a big unknown to everyone, so they jumped in and fixed as much as possible.
But, non-computer folk wouldn't understand, and that was anticipated. There was a lot of comforting PR rolling out "Your money is fine. We have backed up records" which was all true. Nearly everything is backed up for protection.
Even an EMP is not going to erase your bank record, regardless of what fiction says.
Global warming which now they call climate change.
In 1988 an "expert" climate change scientist went on a british daytime show and claimed that if things stayed on the same path that by 2020 the british isles in WINTER would have the same type of climate as the baleric island in SUMMER which is roughly 75 degrees. they said polar bears would vanish, they said massive floods would hit when they haven't, the experts and their spokepeople have made claim after claim and it's been proven false everytime. greta said the world would end in 2023 if policy on fossil fuels didn't change...
it's scary that these so called experts have faced zero responsibity for getting it wrong and it's even scarier the level of people who in order to keep this savior complex going will deny reality and ignore how wrong their gods have been.