MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Squirrel Appreciation Weekend!

Squirrel Appreciation Weekend!

Yes, it's time for the 2024 edition of Squirrel Appreciation Day, but with January 21st being on a Sunday this year, I thought it would be only appropriate to celebrate the whole weekend! After all, you never can over-celebrate when it comes to squirrels!

I know right now there's some fierce January weather in many places, but if you have an opportunity to go outside, keep an eye out for our Special Friends, as I'm sure they could use some extra food support at this time of year. One good possibility I've discovered in the last year is Kaytee Corn on the Cob, which is a huge hit in my backyard. There are times when I've found that EVERY kernel on that day's cob has been eaten! Way too much fun!

I hope everyone has endearing and heartfelt adventures while appreciating squirrels this weekend if the weather allows. Be sure to share your pictures and stories, and if you are unable to venture out much, always remember there is an abundance of squirrel videos and literature to keep the good times rolling! Because like that old song says, "Squirrels Just Wanna Have Fun!"


And I thought Kowalski was bad with his cats. :P


It's actually gray squirrel hunting season here right now. They're surprisingly good eating.


I've been following Thumbelina for several years now.


Some time ago, this one was hanging out on my porch:


Very cute!


Tree rats which have invaded the suburbs. I never saw them when I was a kid unless I went camping. Now they're everywhere allover LA.


Squirrels are nothing more than fuzzy tailed tree rats. They can be vicious too!


As of 8am PST, I have already seen and appreciated 2 squirrels!


We have two types of squirrels living in my area; Fox Squirrels, and Ground Squirrels. In fact, I figured out that one of our trees has a squirrel nest in it, and has had so for years, I just didn't notice until winter a year after I set up my bird feeder. I set up a bird feeder that supposedly was "squirrel-proof," but apparently one of the fox squirrels that lives in our yard was smart enough to solve the puzzle and stole from it frequently. Strangely enough, she was the only squirrel who figured it out. All the others were stumped, hehehe.

I unfortunately had to throw away that bird feeder last summer when a bunch of roof rats came after it, and I had to fight to keep them away from my family's house. There's another fox squirrel that still sometimes visits that tree branch, wondering where the bird feeder went.

A few summers ago, we also had a cute ground squirrel come and eat apples off of an apple tree in our backyard (it's not very tall), and I was surprised to see her climbing the branches. I always thought ground squirrels avoided climbing. They're like prairie dogs, they live in underground warrens they dig themselves and stay on the ground as much as possible. But this one apparently was hungry enough to go after our apples, though she could only handle the ping-pong-sized ones, hehehe. Anything larger would have been too heavy for her. Haven't seen her in a while. I think she moved on to find food elsewhere.
