Tribute bands, I assume, are paying tribute to the music I grew up with - 1970s,80s, and 90s. So, is the music of that time period better? One doesn't know. I watched all of the adults as I grew up constantly talk about how much better it was in their day. Endless "Remember those days?", "Well, we used to..." "Back then,......" type of thing. So, I made up my mind to never talk about how great it was when I was young - specifically because I don't believe older people miss the era (20-30 years ago) as much as they miss themselves being young.
Having said that, no, one doesn't enjoy the music of today. Not saying the music of my day was better, just saying I personally don't enjoy 2020s music. The only artist of today that catches my attention is Ariana Grande. I think she's great. Outstanding voice.