Minnesota Nice
Usually it's thought of as a catchphrase used by the state for tourism. It's a mentally that the public shares. Be nice, polite and helpful.
Then after a minnesota goodbye (at least an hour long), the gossip and backstabbing begin.
The reason for this comes from the fact that this area of the Midwest has brutal winters and oppressive summers. You treat people nice to their face as there is a good chance you'll end up broken down in -30 degree Temps with a windchill of -60 degrees. If you're not willing to help, there's a time you won't get help. The aspect continues with gossip. Be nice to the person you gossip about or heard gossip about as there's bound to be a situation you'll be stuck needing help from or giving help to that person.
It's passive aggressive a d it can be toxic. It's also a survival behavior for those who settled this area. You'll find it in the neighboring states as well (maybe not as much but it's there.
This, along with our 5.5 months of winter and 5.5 months of summer are the most difficult part of living in the state. The next most difficult thing are the politics being two steps under those of California and New York.