Let me guess, you probably are still hung up on who should have to pay and how on a first date? Right? Some more matured woman asked a man that in another Youtube video I recently watched. It just blows me away that some women actually see merrit in this motive. He pointed out what I've known for years, even just insinuating that there may be more onus, on someone in this scenario just complicates things and gives the impression that one isn't equal to another. One who thinks that the man should have to pay alway's, is just making it obvious you value a sense of control and are manipulative. You women these days, especially the over 35 crowd are preposterously demanding. You have many more rights now than what you did years ago, but it hasn't made nicer people of you. Infact the complete opposite. Many of you have lost all femininity now that in just about all ways your equal to men. How can anyone blame men for not finding many of you attractive, or just downright disgusting to be frank? And you try to demonize men who like and prefer younger women. Maybe you should all take a step back and ask yourselves why so many men would prefer them. Because they're tend to be more simple, pleasant and nice, and a whole lot more fun than older women. And of course they are almost certainly more beautiful. Have to be honest now.