MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Portugueses Drivers Take Matters Into Th...

Portugueses Drivers Take Matters Into Their Own Hands In Dealing With Climate Activists

Fucking Liberals and their Climate Change bullshit blocking roads so drivers can't get through pretty much had it shoved in their ass from drivers who had just about enough of this nonsense.. Good for them!!


Police ram straight through climate activist blockade in Nevada.


Good Job!! That's basically how you have to deal with these people because they won't listen


No fatalities, point well made.
Maybe a few broken legs and heads will teach them not to block the route.
Stay off the goddam road, a lot of us have jobs to get to, mortgages to pay and unfriendly bosses, we are busy earning a living you hippy idiots.




Tribal cops don't fuck around when people are acting like idiots on their land.


Whilst I agree with your sentiments, I wish you would keep the political comments to the Politics board. After all, it does quite clearly state: -

General Discussion
Talk about anything here...except politics.


We get these idiots affecting the company I work for sometimes. They go in and take over places of business, have glued or chained themselves to the floor/furniture etc They harass staff and cause them a lot of mental anguish. They actually think the frontline staff have some kind of access to the CEO and/or have a say in policy making!

These people are like religious zealots who think they can do whatever they want because they are saving the world. Or so they think.


i am tired of protestors


Nowadays these protesters are pathetic wannabes trying to star in 'iconic' photographs.
They stage this stuff as if it's the Kent State shootings or Brown VS. Board Of Ed all over again.
That was real history and worthy of note.

Get the the hell out of the way, some of us have families, property, auto payments and bills that we work hard to pay for. We need to drive to earn and meet appointments.

Pursue an endeavor that doesn't include being a nuisance to decent tax payers.


What is usually a 15 minute drive that day turned into an hour stand still in traffic, thanks to those fucking knob heads blocking traffic!!
