I love Kraft Mac & Cheese with tuna. Cheap and tasty!
Probably pretzels. [none]
UTZ pretzel logs, hell yeah!
cheese curds. cheddar.
Gordon Ramsay approves this post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsMX5vw9Vms
Mac & Cheese. Haven't tried it with tuna though.
Try it. If you like tuna then you will probably like it mixed with mac and cheese.
Yeah, tuna is tasty. Must try.
Definitely Mac and Cheese. Everyone eats it as comfort food!
I prefer the Kraft boxed mac and cheese over the homemade stuff.
Likewise. It's the flavor of comfort, and that bright orange artificial Cheeziness has a sharper flavor than any homemade version made with real cheese.
Chips and salsa
salt and vinegar chips
Egg rolls from Chinese restaurant (supermarket ones just won't do)
Yes! With spicy mustard and duck sauce plus a pint of pork fried rice. Delicious.
Fudge brownies topped with vanilla ice cream
Stop it! Guess what I want now?