MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Which of these superfoods do you not eat...

Which of these superfoods do you not eat

salmon, mackerel, herring
greek yogurt
leafy greens like spinach
olive oil

for me: avocado and spinach


I try to keep keto, so oatmeal and beans are rare carby treats, and nuts are calorically dense, so I *try* to limit myself to a handful of almonds a day. Favorites/staples for me are avocados, fish, roasted Brussels sprouts, eggs. A favorite desert is heavy cream over frozen raspberries, either eaten as-is like cereal, or preferably mushed up in to a relatively guilt-free ice cream.

tl;dr: everything in moderation is the goal


i used to do this but got away from it


Since this was one of my usual verbose and dense posts, may I ask which part, if so, you meant by "this," or did we used to have similar diets?


no sorry my bad keto/paleo.

i used to do it i felt carbs were unnecessary and pointless and tried to avoid them


I can't claim perfection in my diet either, but the 'beetus took my dad out at 84 because he just refused to give up his ice cream. Trying to avoid that fate. Cutting carbs is still the quickest and easiest way to cut weight, too. I just try to avoid them as much as possible. Keto keeps my mood (aka "hangriness") level nice and even, too.


ohh frig sorry to hear that.

YES sugar is hard to stop. it literally poisons your brain to want mores.\

Cutting carbs is still the quickest and easiest way to cut weight, too

cutting calories is the quickest way to cut weight. i can see why people would think this since carb food tends to be caloric. but meat is even more calorie dense. you are right in practicality, if a person does cut out 1/3 of their meal (assuming a persons normal mean is protein, carbs and veg) they will likely lose weight. as long as this 1/3 is madeup more by vegetables which are low in calories, and not just more meat.

heck if it works for you thats great. i never loved most carbs anyways (i still dont eat pasta or bread). and hated the ""carb coma" when id eat too many. but honestly for me the issue was my portions were out of whack.

i started tracking how many calories my food had, made some minor tweeks, and ive lost 12 lbs in 1 month and a half.

1/2 OF it was the insane amount of calories i was gettng from milk. i drank so damn much and didnt realize it.

1 cup of 2% has 120 calories alone. well i go to the gym so i every day have two shakes then a post gym porridge. well i was putting at least 3 cups of milk in each one of those (120 caloriesX 9). plus id have another 3 cups and abit of chocolate. i was drinking like 1500 calories in milk alone. thats insane


Of course you're right; it's CI/CO, period. I regretted not clarifying that as soon as I posted, but my emphasis was on the "easiest" qualifier *for me*.

You wanna GOMAD? You bulk any way you want, you swole mf. Gainz on gainz! Yay-yuh! Heh, I just rediscovered the Hodgetwins since way back in the /fit/ days. They are still hilarious.


like i said you are technically right on the carbs in a way.

HAHA yaaa maybe when im on my bulk. im down 13 lbs in 1 month and a half. im 6 foot and was 225 now im 212. ive always been "fat jacked". i used to blame my moms side genetics as they are all short pudgy people but finally took it into my own hands and never felt more motivated or better.

i only eat about 1 cup 1/2 of carbs. half a cup of oats, and 1 cup of rice.

ive never felt better but i need the carbs since im very very active


Fish and yogurt are out for me.


I like fish especially salmon but I don't like oily fish like mackerel and herring. I do eat everything else on your list.


Grilled salmon tacos an the BOMB!




I'm partial to most of those and eat them in their season, though I'm not a huge berry fan. Oatmeal is the only one I'd say no to, it is not for me.


It's a pass for me on mackerel and herring.


All of those listed except eggs and yogurt. I don't eat very much oatmeal at all, though it's more due to time constraints than anything else. I eat salad a lot but do not like raw spinach at all: looks like something I'd spray Round Up on if I saw it in my yard. I like it sauteed though. Go figure.


greek yogurt
olive oil
