Why doesn’t this site…
Allow users to have a signature?
Or show the registration date of its users like most messaging boards do?
This site is very bare bones and has been for years.
Allow users to have a signature?
Or show the registration date of its users like most messaging boards do?
This site is very bare bones and has been for years.
I like the site but I have to agree that it is a little barren on the features.
shareI wish the site was more active. It’s quite dead on the individual movies boards.
Maybe if they spiced the site up some it’ll draw more traffic.
Maybe if they spiced the site up some it’ll draw more traffic.
Should also have a like/dislike feature for comments.
sharewe have an owner who may or may not exist.
shareSomebody has to be running things. Someone is adding new boards as new movies/shows come out.
shareMy understanding is that Jim "Jimbo" Smith has stepped away from the day-to-day running of the site.
shareSomeone is adding those pop-up ads and banning trolls.
shareYeah he hasn’t posted anything in over 5 years.
I don't see any ads anywhere on the site so it can’t make any money so it must have been just a hobby. He probably has his other endeavors he needs to focus on.
that would not surprise me.
shareThere's no need to clutter this site!
MCs clean, simple, practical design is perfect. Very user-friendly.
I can always find what I want quicky with no effort. Other sites have dizzying clutter which is reason to avoid them.
They could spice up the features a little more, without going overboard. Signiture, easier quote/text/font functions & more accurate time stamps for posts would be nice.
Functions like being able to post embedded video, & pics would just be clutter & would attract trolls.
Not needed. This site originated from IMDB.com which had the same design and plenty of visitors. The lower traffic isn't due to the design. Perhaps lack of awareness and IMDBs users who scattered to many other similar sites when IMDB ended their forums. It took months for me to discover MC. And moderators ban many frequent posters for violating the user agreement which doesn't help.
One major improvement over IMDB is the notification bell. Also, quotes, bold and spoiler functions.
Anyway, I don't believe they can make changes because of how the site's coding is set up which limits them. One thing MC never included from IMDB was the emoji function which was added later. I was told the function couldn't be added when I asked about it.
I'd like a search feature for threads, there are ways of doing it but you virtually have to know the thread title already. The site reminds me of the early internet boards in it's appearance.
Reading the same signature repeatedly gets old really quick.