MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What jobs haven't you had in the past ?

What jobs haven't you had in the past ?





Thing ?


My not so wholesome joke was that I hadn't had a "hand job".


Well seeing you're a robot I would think not !


Submarine captain


That's deep !


Exotic dancer
Porn star
Teddy bear maker


All solid non-choices !


vinyl siding salesman


Nothing worse than siding with vinyl.


Used drapes seller


Not a Drapist then !?


That is correct


Portable toilet waste disposal. I was at the beach a few days ago and the truck came by to empty the Porta Potty. Fuck man, that smell.....I don't understand how someone can do that day in, day out. I have a strong stomach, but felt like I was going to hurl.


Portable toilets are the work of the Devil !


You capitalize the word devil as if it's intended to be a title of respect. You're a twisted idiot! 🙄


Yep, still butthurt.


Hah, just perceptive of a typical, internet creep.


Well you could hardly be anything else seeing that's exactly what you are.


Hah, you want to talk about butt hurt? You just injected 4 meaningless threads on this board within roughly the span of 2 hours. Were you feeling agitated, jealous and left out? Whaaa! 😭


Meaningless threads !? Well we wouldn't want any of those on this board now would we ? It might upset the ambience...

It's just the same old shit from you. Wild and ridiculous abuse coming out of nowhere. Of course you still resent me for kicking your head in so there is that.


Yes, the ambience being we don't want meaningless shit cluttering this board, dumbshit. 🙄

"...kicking my head in..." There's that preposterous allegation again. Every time I've asked you for evidence of that claim, you obfuscate, make excuses and try to dodge the challenge. Move on to another forum where you can actually fool people.


Yes, the ambience being we don't want meaningless shit cluttering this board, dumbshit.

Who is this "we" you keep talking about ?

And if you are so angered by the "meaningless shit" cluttering up the Board then why is it that my post has been the only one you have reacted to with abuse ? Because you're such an idiot you didn't realise how stupid it would make you look when you singled me out. Also if people find some of my posts amusing then are they really meaningless ? Or dumbshit do you, sorry "we", have a particularly angry reaction to posts that some people find amusing ?

"...kicking my head in..." There's that preposterous allegation again. Every time I've asked you for evidence of that claim, you obfuscate, make excuses and try to dodge the challenge. Move on to another forum where you can actually fool people.

There is nothing preposterous about it and you know it. As I told you last time you tried this bald-faced lying denial tactic why should I go trawling through my posting history to find something that I know and you know is there ? You just make yourself look like an idiot again because very likely there are people here who remember that exchange. And some of them joined in to comment at the time.

Oh, and 🙄


I used the word "we" only once in response to this where you introduced it, using it twice in one sentence:

"Well we wouldn't want any of those on this board now would we?"

You're apparently too thickheaded to realize when you're being mocked.

If there's anything bald-faced and lying it's yes, that preposterous allegation that you've never been able to provide the slightest bit of evidence for. You're weak, lame and way too desperate when it comes to trying to save face.


As usual you are completely full of shit. I used the term "we" sarcastically in the context of mocking you for pretending that what you were complaining about was my meaningless threads "cluttering" a Board that is already full of them.

You on the other hand were using "we" in a feeble attempt to lend your post more weight by pretending that you represented some kind of Moviechat mutually agreed consensus.

I will hand it to you that you're not as stupid as you pretend to be though. You are actually a sly and adept troll which is why you ignored the part of my post where I called you out for trying to dress up your unprovoked attack on me as though it was really a heated complaint about meaningless threads. When really you were just looking for an excuse to hurl abuse which is one of your favourite pastimes.

And again you and I both know where the evidence of my kicking your head in is. It's in your and my posting history. I've already told you twice I have no intention of trawling back through my posts to find it. Why would I ? For me it would just be work with no benefit. If you're so keen on wanting to see it you know where it is so go and dig it up yourself.

And the simple fact that you have a vendetta against me is evidence enough that you are holding a grudge from the time I kicked your head in.


Triggered you into a verbose and convoluted rant did I?

You injected 4 threads on this board in fairly rapid succession last evening. I found myself suddenly looking at this small cluster of Quasimodo threads trying to dominate the board. The only one that had any merit was the honey topic. The others were obviously desperate bids for attention. You stood out like the proverbial sore thumb and now you want to constantly whine about being singled out.

I gave you exactly what you wanted, some attention. I've made my point so I'll now leave you to your lies, obfuscation and delusions.


Well as you can't handle "verbose and convoluted" I'll make it brief. You habitually accuse people of doing what you are doing. That's called projection, or more simply, being full of shit.


I handled it just fine, creep, and called it out for what it was.

Oh, I'm "completely full of shit" but also "...a sly and adept troll..." Make up your stupid mind about what I am, idiot! 🙄


You are both of course but then you have a habit of ignoring the most obvious of things when it suits you.


Being ignored must be the bitterest of pills for a narcissist like you to swallow.


Just when I talk you up for having some smarts you go back into full moron mode. Far from being a bitter pill I would regard it as quite wonderful if you ignored me, you idiot.


This is a stupid, worthless topic in the guise of "a parody thread". 🥱


Still butthurt then.


Any worse than the shitposting that are nothing but thinly veiled political rants?

Shitbags have a forum for that but it's not good enough that they all just fuck around with each other, now they got to shit on everyone else and the mods rarely do a thing about it.

