MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Objectification Of Woman HAS TO STOP

The Objectification Of Woman HAS TO STOP

Not simply to end 'misogyny'... *sigh* πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

But in order to STOP framing us men as the pathetic, sex-crazy simps and 'villains' of the social dynamic.

Don't let your fucking hormones do this to you. Be better!

All you're doing is allowing yourselves to be part of a narrative carefully crafted to demonise US.

Some militant posters will no doubt disagree with me, but the irony is, they'll be the FIRST to complain when men do objectify women...

Because, here's the TRUTH folks, women like the certain militant poster I'm thinking of, despise FEMINIST/ANTI-OBJECTIFICATION men like me. They like open misogynists and chauvinist pigs, because it serves their narrative, gives them something to complain about, and allows them to play the role of the 'boo fucking hoo' victims.

You know I'm right.

And ANYONE who disagrees with me, is in fact in SERVICE of the MISOGYNIST PATRIARCHAL narrative, that allows women to be abused (ironically for the satisfaction of the extremists and activists who need the abuse to continue in order to justify their extremist movements...As per always, the two extremes feed one another. Call it the horseshoe theory).


How old are you again?


Testosterone levels are plummeting, the youngest demos are increasingly LGBTQIA+, statistics show people are having less sex than ever, some countries like Japan have severe levels of non-coupled (single) young men.

We're half way there with regards to stopping the objectification of women... the only probelm is a lot of these dudes are turning to live streamers and OnlyFans models. They're slaving away at a computer, earning a decent wage, then throwing some of it away to some 'gamer' who shows some cleavage.

Those streamers are a joke. Basically 'soft core' pornography models and they can earn millions.

Sadly boys are slaves to their libidos. Castration may be the only cure.


"Castration may be the only cure."
Isn't that unfairly cruel - and at certain times, even downright deadly as well?

Some people can control and balance their libidian desires. And this is what should be done also. And we aren't necessarily talking about extreme cases like male perpetuated sexual offenses (that's a separate topic as well).


I suspect HelloSidney1996 wasn't being serious or literal in making this 'suggestion'. Of course it would be VERY extreme, were it to be advocated as a *serious* soultion.


I have ALSO heard...

It isn't what is in men's TROUSERS that is the problem here in regards to those issues and their extreme cases. Its actually what's in their HEADS.

So maybe the REAL case for cure should be a BRAIN LOBOTOMY here for men, but not ALL men, haha, but for men with such unfair typical tendencies?


If they're lusting/simping over OnlyFan models, they are precisely the type of men I'm complaining about. 😠

They're only a couple of notches above the saddos who habitually visit lap dancing clubs.

There's NOTHING wrong in being sexual/finding women, or indeed men, sexually attractive, but to be a sad simp who spends their days masturbating to OnlyFan models who are raking it in, whilst these pathetic male specimens continue to throw their money at them, is a sad indictment of manhood, assuming these people can even be described as 'men'.


Maybe if the human nature completely changes and we create a utopia then it will stop or even be massively reduced.


Well, that will never happen, so let's try to work on some more realistic and practical solutions.

Men need to be SHAMED for how pathetic they are by OTHER MEN. Men need to be SHAMED in order to force them to take pride in themselves, and up their game. Do they want to be second best to women?

And I say this as an EGALITARIAN feminist. Not as a 'misogynist'. And I say this as a man who wants other men to be admirable. NOT pervs, abusers, simps and losers.


I know, right?!

Be nice to women, so long as they stay busy at the oven fixing up our steak sandwiches and fetching us cold beers in high heels and short skirts they’ll always have a place here!

Who’s with me Fellers ?
