MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is it Always 'Misogynist' to Take a Man'...

Is it Always 'Misogynist' to Take a Man's Side Over a Woman's?

I know some people think so (i.e. that if you don't take the woman's side in EVERY situation, you MUST be a 'misogynist'.)

Is this correct? I'm sure Otter and Kowalski will enlighten me...


I'm sure Otter and Kowalski will enlighten me...

Why single out the girls?


Is Kowalski a woman? I apologise if the joke has gone over my head.

Also, I suppose it stands to reason that women can 'enlighten me' here.


Kowalski isn't even human.




Rob Zombie sucks.


No, of course not. Women can be wrong just as much as men can be. In some situations, the right side may be the man's side.


I think chatGPT could enlighten you...


It would be if a person always took a man's side over a woman's. Everything depends on the situation. Why does gender even apply to the side that needs to be taken?

If you are referring to sexual assault, facts matter, but please understand that the backlash was a long time coming because often no one believed women or if they did they were told it wasn't a big deal. Has the pendulum swung too far the other way currently? Perhaps. But we are seeing now that we're back to not believing women because they are lying and just want to ruin a man's life.


I wasn't particularly thinking of sexual assault. Maybe discussions regarding gender/sex dynamics, like sexism, but not sexual assault/harassment per se.


Then I'm curious, where did this topic come from. Who says that you always have to take a woman's side? In regards to what?


I've forgotten, but it might have been triggered by a discussion with Otter. Sometimes Otter's attitude appears to be "You're disagreeing with me, hence, you're a sexist."




No, many women are themselves misogynists, let's no presuppose that gender alone is what decides someone's values when it comes to the rights of men and women.


Not at all. It depends on the situation. It's misogynistic when you are belittling, disregarding of facts or controlling of a female simply because she is female. If the female is wrong to begin with then that is not misogyny, that is correcting her mistake/ignorance .


I know some people think so (i.e. that if you don't take the woman's side in EVERY situation, you MUST be a 'misogynist'.)

What I'm inferring from this post is that you've been called out for making mysogenistic remarkes and your framing that as "siding with the woman because woman" , possibly because you genuinly dont understand that you are being mysogenistic .

That said the answer to your question is " NO of course not , obviously nobody thinks that."
"I know some people think so"
no you dont - those people you think think that dont think that.


What you're 'inferring' is incorrect, but your attitude might trigger another thread: "Why Do People Assume the Worst About People Who Simply Ask Difficult/Contentious Questions?"

Also, it's IMPOSSIBLE to have good faith/intelligent discussions with people like you. Everything is surface and taken-for-granted. But let me SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU: If someone makes an entirely NON-SEXIST and INNOCUOUS statement in response to a female poster, and that poster automatically assumes that you must be 'sexist' for disagreeing with her, does that mean that it's 'misogynist' to disagree with women under all circumstances? I'm not sure what you don't understand here, but I'd suggest you engage in some critical thinking.


^That pretty much reinforces my previous opinion.
You confirmed you responded to a female poster who , rightly or wrongly , labelled you sexist.
Why dont you point us to the discussion in question and we can confirm for you if were indeed being sexist or if the female poster was incorrect.

But you didnt ask about that specific incident whic i assumed had occured , you asked:
does that mean that it's 'misogynist' to disagree with women under all circumstances?
and , again , tha answer is:
of course not , how could that possibly be correct ?

and yet this is title of your whole thread , which you are calling an "intelligent discussion"


Okay, here is a link to the type of discussion I'm referring to:

At one stage I argue against neoliberalism, the patriarchy, and the unreasonable expectations within the 'dating game' of women *AND* men, to which Otter responds with an accusation that I'm somehow against women being in control of their sex lives. Otter was the only person to complain about my argument that ALL of us should think about lowering/changing our expectations. Male posters didn't argue with me and accuse me of suggesting that men shouldn't be in control of *their* sex lives, even though my argument applied equally to them.


ive given the whole page a skim .
theres a lot to digest there! quite a heated discussion
too much to really say whose right or not in such a grey area .
its free contry and its all just peoples opinions ...

but .. certainly the woman isnt automatically right : )


Another example, is that I started a thread asking sincerely whether Amber Heard is a good actress (having seen some people on Twitter claim that "Johnny Depp is a bad actor and only got parts when he was younger because of his looks.") Some people would no doubt argue that the underlying contention of my OP is 'misogynist'.

I suppose the question I'm asking isn't necessarily whether it's misogynist to argue with a woman, but whether it's 'misogynist' to make an argument that *doesn't* serve a feminist narrative, and may indeed go against it. Kind of like how some people might theoretically argue that it's 'racist' to question Jussie Smollet's allegation regading an attack by 'MAGA' thugs (FWIW, it's to the credit of the public, both left and right, anti-racist and otherwise, that *very few* if anyone made such an argument in *this* case, although I suspect if you spend enough time on Twitter, you'll find someone still simping for Jussie and decrying his detractors as 'racist').


f someone makes an entirely NON-SEXIST and INNOCUOUS statement in response to a female poster, and that poster automatically assumes that you must be 'sexist' for disagreeing with her, does that mean that it's 'misogynist' to disagree with women under all circumstances

Identity Politics 101 If someone has a problem with you, it’s never your fault. That person just has a problem with your race/gender/sexual orientation etc. This way you never have to take responsibility for anything.


Not unless you are interacting with a misandrist. There are a couple of those here.
