We should vote

On a new moderator candidate. Then the mods can submit the winner to Jim for approval. I think it's time.
Please vote in replies.

My vote is for Hownos.( 2 votes )

Signed, million man.


How shall they submit to Jim? On their knees or on all fours?


Cmon this is serious business. No time for clowning..

Signed, million man.


Hownos would be a great mod, if he wants to be one.


That guy lives here. He'd be perfect. And I for one would do what King Hownos commands.

Signed, million man.


agreed, my vote is for Hownos.


I think ownership of the entire website should be turned over to/sold to Valerian as he/she seems to know what they're doing when it comes to websites.


Let's not jump too far into the future. Who do you vote for?

Signed, million man.


That's my answer. No new mod at this point is going to improve the actual workings of the website. Let's get the website working properly and then worry about proper mods. Not the mentally deranged garbage we have now.

Cloudflare and Namecheap will be getting a really long list of links to all the fucked up stuff on here that doesn't get deleted by the worthless mods.


Vote for me. You know you want to since we are best friends.



Well, that was uncalled for. I thought we were buddies.



Just let it go. If you don't like me or my posts, just put me on ignore and move on. I'm not interested in fighting you.




Thanks for this vote of confidence. I could totally pimp this site up, but unfortunately I don't have time for that at the moment.




Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I have a feeling I want to be a moderator as much as you, which is to say, not.


i would do it if it meant keeping the lights on.




I might have to kill this thread. It's not coming along as planned lol

Signed, million man.


Perhaps we should first ask who wants to be a moderator and then vote on those individuals.


I suspect moderators want to remain anonymous.


I think mods being anonymous is better.

Mods just do the job without having to rub other people's noses in it.


Fair point.
For instance, I have happy relations with a number of posters and they with me. Without anonimity they might feel awkward deleting or warning me if they became a Mod.

Fairness is important and I’d struggle with deleting or banning an old pal if I were a Mod.

It doesn’t sound like a fun gig.


I can't see why anyone would want to be a mod. I mean it's a thankless job.


I’ve heard Kowalski say that he is interested.


Yeah but he would have to type in lower case.

Signed, million man.


That's perfect. He could remain anonymous. No one would suspect it was him.


He would forget who he is logged in as and yell at somebody.

Signed, million man.


I think sslssg was referring to an actual human.


No kidding! I was a mod on a classic rock site for about a month back in the early 00s. I got tired of getting bitched at so I gave it up. It's not an easy job putting up with trolls.


I vote for Allaby. He would be a good moderator, I think.


I agree, Allaby and hownos are both level-headed and fair men.


ShogunofYonkers you talk to second Allaby user. He created a new user to hide his crimes.


Allaby is a criminal? I doubt this😄


I'm not hiding any crimes. I have previously said that Someguy1 was my account, created as a test and used only for jokes.


I really hope for you, and especially people around you, that your original user is also only for jokes.


Why you have 57 message all about how Allaby is great?

What kind of trolls there are in these place?


From Allaby's posting history and his personality, I suspect he would be a good moderator, fair and reasonable.


Maybe a good moderator in the darknet.


I don't use the darknet. I wouldn't even know how to and I certainly don't want to.


That is one of Allabys alternate accounts. He has many on this site. I will be doing an exposé on him at some point.


Here we go again...this is becoming your "shtick"

Signed, million man.


Someguy1 is indeed my alternate account, created as a test to help someone who was trying to sign up for Moviechat. I only use it for jokes and fake arguments with myself. I do not have any other alternate accounts though. I am curious what other accounts you assume are also me though.


In time steven, in time.


Can I be Kowalski? He is fun and has a large movie collection. I hope he is one of my alleged socks.


I'm almost starting to miss IMDb trolls, at least they were straight forward, and not play with us with some kind of strange and weird long con. I'm starting to think that some people here are suffering from severe psychological problems.


If they are looking for mods, I volunteer myself. I have experience on another prominent site.

I doubt anyone would vote for me, but I don’t think a user popularity contest is the best way to pick a mod.


I don’t think a user popularity contest is the best way to pick a mod.



Popularity should not be a factor. Fairness and longevity should matter however…just my two Cents for what it’s worth.


As far as Longevity goes this account was shortly after this site went up. I also found a few of my old IMDb posts, with the same username from 17 years ago.

I don’t have a high post count because I mostly stuck to lurking and posting on boards for movies I was currently watching until pretty recently. But post count is completely irrelevant when it comes to moderation. Time spent on the site is more important.


I disagree. A long time poster with a high post count demonstrates that the user is dedicated to the site and has avoided banning through reasonable behavior.

I guess we just disagree on this point but it’s all good👍


I agree. Plus mega extra points for those of us who can hangout in Politics with the many trolls and still survive.


I don’t know how you jump into that cauldron, especially in terms of American politics.
Americans can be total maniacs about politics:/
It just gets so ugly and then the rocks get thrown.

My Wife and I, a wonderful person that I trust above all others, pretty much never share who we vote for. It’s just never a discussion in our home, it can get too ugly and I don’t need that poison in my life.

At the end of the day both major parties do some good work and totally screw up elsewhere.

I’m Team America, I vote for the ablest candidate.


Totally agree. But, I enjoy discussing everything. Unfortunately, many other MC Discussion forums like religion, science, art and many smaller movies/series don't get much traffic.


A lot of people voting for nice guys in here, not saying that's wrong however let's say you vote for a hench dog such as myself. I'd rule with an iron fist. I'd instantly ban Kowalski and Allaby. No messing about. SHEEERAAAAHHHH!!!


Then how would you find the time to do that and post as HarveyManFredSin?


The irony is that "deleted" was just deleted. LOL!


How can we tell whether someone has been banned or deleted their own account? This guy was just asking to be banned!


Likely banned. HarveyManFredSin account is still active. EvilHeadII and rcnyc24 are banned. Someone is claiming to have multiple sock accounts, but who knows for sure?


None of those accounts were banned.


EvilHeadII should have been banned as soon as he started harassing specific people. Not sure why the mods let people get away with breaking the rules.
