Quitting Porn

It is one of the hardest addictions to quit since it was my first drug addiction before ever trying substances even. Unlike drugs that cost money and resources porn is "free" which allows the addict to indulge unlimited time into the addiction. There is no "free" products in this world tho, if you are getting something for free that means YOU ARE THE PRODUCT! Porn is pushed by people in power to keep you WEAK. They want subservient low testosterone cucks who pay there taxes and don't reproduce. Ur only cuckholdin yourself by watching porn... I have been off Alcohol for over a year and am finally serious about getting off the Porn. Been three days since my last relapse but I had a couple good streaks this year one that went 13 days. Weed is my last addiction to give up but I feel like it isnt as disastrous to my life as pornography so I will be quitting that last after I conquer this addiction. Wish me luck!


You can't because free will doesn't exist as Sam Harris teaches. It's about knowing this and the way we can overcome an addiction is by locking ourselves away from what may trigger or by getting help from a therapist, medical personnel.

Porn and drugs are exactly the same effect to the brain i.e. you will want to look for the next higher thing so keep that in mind.

Remember Buddha teaches us to not be attached. Is very hard in Western world. Don't think I am giving you greatest advice as i myself suffer from what I consider to be multiple personalities where I am aware it is a bad addiction yet then I feel the absolute need to still view porn like it controls me. This is where free will is an illusion which many still don't want to accept. They think everyone has a choice yet this isn't case as due to our brains some are more wired to addiction than others and for those who are it is a constant wrestle through life to control it.


I believe in free will. I used to drink alcohol daily and drive while drinking daily as well but last year I woke up in my van after drunk driving across the whole state of Florida from Miami to Naples hungover. I got away with the drunk drive successfully but was ashamed and disappointed in myself. That day I realized I needed to make a choice, a decision about what road to take. The devils path I have been walking, risking other peoples lives on the road and my own health with the booze or the righteous path that involves putting down the bottle and never picking it back up again. Almost relapsed on day 6 but the longer I abstained from the liquor the better I felt and the more I was repulsed by my old lifestyle. The same way one small bad decision can lead to a downward spiral one good decision can cause a chain of events that leads to an upward spiral out of the hell u created around yourself. I am done falling into the spiral of death and depression that porn creates and onto the righteous path of God. I want to feel like a kid again, happy, innocent, good morally and spiritually. I know porn destroys this in me and am ready to put my foot down this time. Wasted too many years of my life to this bullshit. I just wanna be happy and realize to do this I need to drop all these demons I picked up over the years. Quitting alcohol was the first big step, this is the second, last vice I wanna quit is weed but that will be the hardest since it is my most passionate addiction


I get ya, man. Used to be like that in my late teens to my mid 20s. The trick is, as someone taught me, to keep yourself busy.

Get a hobby. Not just any hobby or a hobby for the sake of it. But one that you genuinely love. Read some books/comics. Play some games.

Keep your mind occupied. You know, idle hands & all that

And finally, Good luck, mate.


The final decision has yet be made.


More people need to be aware of porn addiction. It’s still laughed at a lot of the time, but it’s honestly becoming a serious problem in this country, and can have very negative effects on real life relationships and sex.

I recommend looking up a dude named Noah Church on YouTube when you’re feeling ready to relapse.

Best of luck to you!


My porn is mainly in my imagination.


For all the guys here who say they are addicted to porn: Do you also have a significant other who you have sex with, and are also addicted to pornography?
