Quitting Porn
It is one of the hardest addictions to quit since it was my first drug addiction before ever trying substances even. Unlike drugs that cost money and resources porn is "free" which allows the addict to indulge unlimited time into the addiction. There is no "free" products in this world tho, if you are getting something for free that means YOU ARE THE PRODUCT! Porn is pushed by people in power to keep you WEAK. They want subservient low testosterone cucks who pay there taxes and don't reproduce. Ur only cuckholdin yourself by watching porn... I have been off Alcohol for over a year and am finally serious about getting off the Porn. Been three days since my last relapse but I had a couple good streaks this year one that went 13 days. Weed is my last addiction to give up but I feel like it isnt as disastrous to my life as pornography so I will be quitting that last after I conquer this addiction. Wish me luck!