With all due respect, this isn't the rhetoric I was looking for, from *either* side, and it seems that *none* of you can be civil and reasonable with one another.
I don't agree with the statement "the left doesn't believe white people have tthe right to simply exist", but I would be interested in exploring that statement further, and getting to the nub of what they mean, because although I don't believe that statement is literally true, I also believe that there are some people who wholly resent ALL Black people and some people who wholly resent ALL white people.
I'm a staunch leftist, but the truth is, there are *some* far-leftists (or, more accurately, Black militants/Black militant sympathisers, because many such people aren't particularly left-wing when it comes to other issues, like LGBTQ+ rights, challenging capitalism, the environment, or even feminism; one Black militant I encountered on social media earlier today is a damn realtor, and another talks about being 'addicted to retail', hardly my idea of 'leftism'), who speak as if white people are an inconvenience *at best*.
I have a problem with *any* supremacist, regardless of gender, race, sexuality and ethnicity, and, assuming you are pro-trans rights, as I am (I'm guessing that's what ItsGood2BeRight is referring to when they talk of 'mutilating the bodies of children'), hopefully you are aware that many militant feminists regard trans women, or 'men cosplaying as women' as many of them put it, as a threat who basically have 'no right to exist'.
Sorry if my 'liberalism' is too 'centrist' and 'wishy-washy' for any of you, but I staunchly believe that EVERY human has the right to exist (not in an 'all lives matter' trollish sort of way), and no human should be resented simply for their identity, an identity they have NO control over. That's simply the height of irrationality and unreasonableness (i.e. to hate a creature, particularly another human-being, for something they have NO control over).