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"10 Most Unlikable Animated Movie Heroes"

Again, there's a lot of exaggerations and misconceptions to get through...

Aladdin Lied To Jasmine About Who He Was
But he didn't save only her but the whole town, so I must say that he made up for his earlier mistake.
Besides, you can be a hero and still do something wrong sometimes...

Disgust's Only Job Was To Be Annoyed At Things
Maybe, but the main focus wasn't really on her anyway.

Phoebus Had Questionable Morals
Actually, it is made clear really quickly that he was a good guy and never hurt people while doing his job.
And we can see that Frollo condemned people who disobeyed him to death, so he was brave enough as it was.

Kuzco Was A Tyrannical Narcissist
Yes, but he was an orphan and raised by Yzma, the villain of the story, who had never been a good role model.
Besides, we can see that he could change for better with the right guidance...

John Smith Was Still A Colonizer
Sure, but he was at least willing to listen to Pocahontas and learn stuff.

Elsa Terrified Her Kingdom, Then Abandoned It
But she didn't have any idea how she could make the winter go away and was scared of the people's wrath.
Running away seemed to be the best option at the time.

Li Shang Was A Myopic Misogynist
Shang was upset because Mulan had lied to him and felt betrayed by her, but it wasn’t misogyny.
Besides, he learned to trust her again.

Sinbad Had An Affair With His Best Friend's Fiancée
Yeah, but it takes two to tango in a situation like this.
Marina also had an affair with her fiancé's best friend and was equally in the wrong.


I'm all for any "Frozen" hate.


The creepy feline humanoids in Avatar. 🤣

So a man in a wheelchair falls in love with and has sex with a big cat. Creepy.


To be fair though, it is not like he was in a wheelchair or even in his human body at that point.


It still sexualizes cat people. Kinda bestial.


Hardly, since he was a Na'vi himself at that point.


Sure, but it was difficult to care about the characters - their sexual romance especially. They're cat people. Kinda silly. I found them about as likable as cleaning my cat's litter box.

The alien beings were all wrong. I'm sure a clever artist could have come up with a better design than cats. It was sort of a sc-fi version of Disney's "The Aristocats".


i am glad i don't watch animated movies.


Myself as well. I see them as adult cartoons. I can't think of one I ever enjoyed.

But I love The Flintstones!


I finally saw Frozen recently. I didn't realize that she was basically one of the antagonists of the movie lol


They forgot about the protagonist of "the Good Dinosaur", probably because everyone else totally forgot about the lame-ass movie! The dinosaur family lives a bare-bones subsistence existence, the protagonist gets his father killed, and after moping through the wilderness for ages, he comes home and expects to be rewarded for being an extra mouth to feed.

Oh, and speaking of getting one's father killed, how about Simba in "The Lion King"? Spends the early part of the movie being greedy and selfish, spends most of the rest of it being a shallow twerp, and only becomes responsible at the very end...


Simba never got his father killed, Scar did.

And he was just a kid in the first part of the movie and didn't know any better.
And in the next part, he was deeply traumatized by Mufasa's death and even believed that it had been his fault.
He used the "Hakuna Matata" philosophy as a coping mechanism to not have to think about it.
Still, he manned up in the end and accepted his responsibility and returned to take on the kingship.


He's still the Prince Harry of cartoon heroes.
