It's an unobtainable ideal for most people, and once one gets to a certain age (i.e. once one is past childhood), one should be able to understand that. FWIW, I'm reasonably good-looking (although when it comes to status, money matters far more for men than good-looks, and, alas, I am poor), but I instinctively identify with 'homely' and 'ugly' people because they are the 'underdog', so to speak, and what decent, right-minded person can begrudge the under-dog?
Plus, in recent years, we've started to discover that pretty boys from earlier generations (i.e. the Depps and Pitts and Francos of this world) are perhaps not as perfect as we once all believed. I can only imagine that the Goslings and Evans will also go through the same routine in a decade or so. Wealth and good-looks, particularly in Hollywood, tends to breed a certain entitlement and toxic masculinity, *particularly* among men who openly identify as 'feminists' and 'progressives'. And as Harvey Weinstein proved, one doesn't even have to be good-looking to be a hypocritical 'feminist' and 'Democrat' as the serial rapist and DNC/Hilary/women's charity contributor sadly demonstrated.
No doubt I'll be excoriated for that last paragraph, but I'm a staunch leftist, albeit one who HATES hypocrisy, and that tendency to target fellow libs, who aren't as genuine as me, no doubt rubs some people the wrong way. But attacking Trump is like shooting fish in a barrel. We all know that he is a POS (although many were much later than me to recognise this, judging by all the Hollywood people and politicians, including the Clintons, he was once chummy with). Now it's time to identify *future* Trumps (i.e. men who everyone currently love and adore, but will eventually show their true colours; and anyone who says Trump was *never* adored by the centre and centre-left, is a LIAR; the photos of him chumming around with the Clintons, Jesse Jackson, Spike Lee, and other 'progressive' celebs are easily found online).