MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are all teachers very smart and intellig...

Are all teachers very smart and intelligent?

Say if THEY were to take an exam or do course work on any subject they are familiar with and able enough to teach, will they always get like top A grades and whatnot on it?


Nope. There are plenty of teachers who don't know shit about the subject they teach.


as a techer myself i must tell you that my job is not to be an expert in my field, but have the neccessary skills how to educate students.
completly different skillsets. Im not a scientist.
I should be able to get A-grades on my school level tests, tho.




I was a school librarian and trust me, most of the people who are involved in education are pretty dense. I routinely saw teachers send emails full of spelling and punctuation mistakes, I saw teachers incapable of doing simple mathematics, and teachers who were ignorant of most major events in history. Teachers were always running to me to solve the most simple computer problems, I mean stuff like how to save a file.

Many of them were emotional basket cases and made extremely poor life decisions as well. One teacher was having marital problems and she broke down in class after a phone argument with her husband and fell on the floor, rolling around and screaming in front of her class of 6 year olds. I knew of at least 4 teachers in my 15 years at that school who lost their jobs due to being caught having extramarital sex on school property. My buddy, a 6th grade male teacher, got involved with a married mother of one of his students and came close to losing his life over that. Fortunately I did not know of any who were guilty of child molesting.

The reason teachers are so screwed up is that the vast majority of them never do anything else but teach children. They go straight from university to the classroom. They get no real world experience and the majority of people they interact with are children, and they adopt childish behavior patterns. School administration even uses the same tactics to keep them in line that they do with the students.

The only teachers who have it together are those who worked outside education first and came to the field later in life.


You know, one of the things that was great about going to night school and then back to college in my thirties and forties, was that I realized that teachers were just regular schmucks with jobs like myself. The feelings of intimidation that a young person feels towards a teacher was gone, and with it the usual resentment towards an authority figure. If you go to class as an adult, you're there to learn, they're there to help the learning process, my adult college experience was completely different than my early education, on an emotional level.

Hint, hint.

Anyway, they all have to be book-smart enough to get a college degree, but book smart doesn't mean they have the kind of common sense that would be a real help in their jobs.


No, and not all nurses care.
Not all cops are honest.
Not all soldiers are valiant.
Not all politicians are wise.

Hell, I’ve read about sailors that couldn’t swim if things ever went real sideways.


Always think of people as people, just like you they have hopes, dreams and are in some way or another flawed



A sense of self awareness is important. Know your limitations.

If you take on a job that the survival of society depends upon you’d better know how to handle it, and real goddam well.

All others are useless.


School was a long time ago, right? Stop dwelling on the past and focus on the present and future.


Only a fool doesn’t plan ahead.


Its the cheapest insurance.


Cheap insurance is a Mossberg Model 500 pump shotgun and a few boxes of shells.

About $450.
Get yours.


Mossberg. Good man. If you had said Remington, I would have blocked you haha.


A gun fan:)
Nice to know there are still a few…I thought I was the last one!


You don't have to be very smart to be anything in life.

Hell, look at our politicians.
How many of you think you're smarter than biden.
Someone could make me the ceo for walmart,
I can put on a white coat and someone could declare me a scientist,
I could go to jurassic park with a brown vest with a magnifying glass and tools and someone could hire me as an archeologist.

I'm not smart in any of those things, but if someone hires me to do those things, I can call myself a professional. Don't have to be smart.


Judging by how dumb or how functionally illiterate many of their students are upon graduation, I'd say "no."
