Why did LTC George Custer, a seasoned commander who always relied on planning and reconnaissance before engaging, use such ill-conceived tactics at Little Bighorn in 1876?
GC's reputation was already pretty dicey even before. He was relieved from command, suspended wihout pay for a year, after being court-martialed & convicted for dereliction of duty & other offenses. Rash, impulsive, self-indulgent, irresponsible - at least out west. In that context, his blunders at LBH maybe weren't as surprising as his Civil War achievements might have indicated would be his future.
The first replicating organism, or system. Usually described as RNA world, or its precursor. Before the last-common-ancester (LCA). The LCA would be cool, too, but I suspect that is basically an ultra-primitive heterotrophic proto-bacteria. The first replicating organism, or system, would be mind-blowing, because we can only speculate as to possible structure(s), metabolism.
The LCA between the human and chimp line - my guess is gibbonish.
One that hasn't been mentioned yet that I remember to this day that we discussed in elementary school...what happened to Sir Walter Raleigh's "Lost Colony" and what was the significance of the word "Croatoan?"
Did the "West Memphis Three" do it?
the wm3 were 3 teens accused of murder/mutilation of three 8 year old boys in 1993.
there were multiple documentaries (paradise lost series) and celebrity activists such as johnny depp supporting the "wrongfully" convicted.
under pressure, the courts offered an alford plea. essentially a plea that maintains the defendants innocence but accepts the courts had enough evidence to convict and were released after 18 years.
i was on large message forums exchanging evidence, info, and theories at the time. but, i always had a gut feeling they were guilty.
I had a gut feeling they were rail-roaded for being 'weird', 'gothy', non-conformist. Was there any real evidence against them ? I'll take another look...
n July 2007, new forensic evidence was presented. A report jointly issued by the state and the defense team stated, "Although most of the genetic material recovered from the scene was attributable to the victims of the offenses, some of it cannot be attributed to either the victims or the defendants."
Following a 2010 decision by the Arkansas Supreme Court regarding newly produced DNA evidence and potential juror misconduct, the West Memphis Three negotiated a plea bargain with prosecutors.[5]
The alford plea was most likely Memphis' face-saving pound of flesh - utilizing the unjust captivity as leverage for their CYA agenda.
As someone who listened to black metal since the 80s and had a church burn my cassettes i could certainly sympathize with being an outcast. damien was obviously a troubled kid/family reading his medical records: http://callahan.mysite.com/wm3/img/exh500.html
but after reading hundreds of hours of documents i've made my determination and you made yours. thats why i have it posted on the "unsolved" that you would like solved thread :)
I am sure you know a lot more about this than I do, my impressions are surface-level.
I'll check it out. What, though, do you make of the 'unknown' DNA ? Not the victims, suspects, or presumably any of their family ? More broadly, could you give me a brief summation of what you think does implicate them ?
From the full account in wiki, it seems like they got railroaded after brow-beating the fellow with the 70 IQ into a 'confession'. An african-american hair was found in the bindings of one of the victims, a step-father looked like a better suspect, etc. Also ,the initial trail judge turning down the DNA appeal looked rotten, The jury foreman had passed disallowed evidence to the jury. Lots and lots of room for reasonable doubt, an abusive Judge & trial process.
first off. i think we can both agree that we wouldve felt more relief having direct evidence to the murderer(s), whoever they are, and having justice for the children and their families. l just dont think we'll ever truly know and never have closure to these murders.
i dont think there is anyway for a brief summary. i lean guilty now on all the circumstantial evidence i read. there's alot. but i wouldnt want to be on that jury to make that decision.
i can understand someone falling one way or another.
the DNA is a mess in the case. the children were completely submerged under water for a day only found by a floating sneaker. after getting in the water, a body emerged. the bodies then sat on the shore for hours in the heat. the searchers passed the area several times erasing footprint evidence and contaminating the scene. i guess it would depend on where the dna was. i really havent looked into this for years.
damien's history is a violent kid. neglected by mother and years of abuse by stepfather. his sister raped by stepfather for least 7 years. he lashes out with anger. when people say he beat a sick dog to death, cut it open and pulled out its intestines in front of them. i believe it.
Damien said in a police interview if he was the killer he wouldve pissed in their mouths. unknowing of damien's answer a Dr. believed there was urine in the stomachs of 2 of the kids. but i think it just turned out to be dirty creek water.Damien wouldve gave them very damning evidence if he just made that up and it turned true. they didnt do themselves many favors with their talk.
a knife found behind Jason Baldwin's home with a capability to have compatible wounds. https://youtu.be/4zgf1Epw3TM
but it was a "rambo survival type knife" they were at every flea market. i had 2 myself.
a theory for their innocence is that the young boys may have ended up at a gay cruising area and some of these men killed to keep their secret in religious town. https://thewestmemphispuzzle.blog/
I saw all three movies and would certainly recommend them. It's been a while so refresh my memory--in one of the latter movies wasn't someone close to the case, a relative, maybe a parent or step-parent suspected? It may or may not be the one who took a lie-detector test.
i think both the shows accused 2 stepfathers.... mark byers and terry hobbs
hair of terry hobbs the stepfather of stevie branch was found on the shoelaces of victim michael moore. their own shoelaces were used to hogtie the boys,
hobbs became more focused later on and also roped into the gay cruising storyline
all these people seem odd. west memphis has no shortage of strange suspects.
this is one of those cases you can go on and on about.....
dont do it brother! you'll spend hours! lol
actually the 70 iq is misleading, thats the lowest he scored. Jessie also scored an 84 and 88.
Jessie had a job as a roofer and worked on his car and drove himself.
personally, i think the 70iq thing is a manipulation tactic to make people think he was borderline retarded. he wasnt. but i'll agree he aint the brightest bulb. :)
the hair on the shoelaces/bindings belonged to terry hobbs. i just spoke about this above in a reply to nyctc7
the black male was dubbed "Mr Bojangles". He went to a bojangles restaurant bleeding and disoriented and made a scene the night of the murder. Bojangles was near the truck stop. the Blue Beacon was a truck wash. the boys were killed not far behind it. some people speculate a trucker/serial killer had access to kill the boys.
I leave it all in your capable hands. :) What a mess. Can you imagine what those guys went thru in prison as kid killers ? Wow. If someone falsely accused me of a crime like that and got me locked away for decades, and I ever got out - man, would I want to jam a broomstick up their ass and break it off.
Oscar "Zeta" Acosta Fierro (/əˈkɒstə/; April 8, 1935 – disappeared 1974) was a Mexican-American attorney, politician, novelist and activist in the Chicano Movement. He was most well known for his novels Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo (1972) and The Revolt of the Cockroach People (1973),[3] and for his friendship with American author Hunter S. Thompson. Thompson characterized him as a heavyweight Samoan attorney, Dr. Gonzo, in his 1971 novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Acosta disappeared in 1974 during a trip in Mexico and is presumed dead.[4][5]