MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is online dating a waste of time?

Is online dating a waste of time?



Never tried it. is it?


It's a PITA. Too many flakes.


I'm old school. I only meet people through friends and family. This way everyone is vetted before they get to me.


That's smart and something I will do. All online dating does is raise anxiety and depression.


Shit, I already have severe anxiety and depression. Seems like online dating is a no go for me.


People have too many options online and it's way too easy to swipe left over the slightest flaw.


It's so superficial. Literally shallow thinking.


I wouldn’t waste my time with a dating site. I think what is better are finding groups on that align with a person’s interest and just meeting people in the group. They have some singles groups specifically but most of the groups just have to do with a special interests and it is possible to meet someone to couple off with.


As a whole, yes. Of course there are instances when people found what they were looking for. But yeah, it's more negative than positive. And I find it to be much, much better meeting people in real life, in person, the old-fashioned way.


Depends what you're using it for. If you like flirting and casual hookups, then it does the job generally. If you're looking for something more serious, or your ego is fragile, it's not the place for you.
