MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you own a gun?

Do you own a gun?

I don't. They don't fascinate me much. What country you live ? I live in Canada. We appear to have more strict gun laws than the Americans.


No. I don't like them and I don't need one, and I've arranged my life to minimize any potential need for one.


I’m not pleased to see you; that is in fact, a pistol in my pocket, lol.


Australia, and I'm not a farmer, so of course no.


No I don't ( thank God..). Germany



I do have various self defence weapons on me though .... not entirely legal. Can't carry anything in the UK, not even pepper spray - but if someone is going to try and mug me or abduct me then I'm going to fight back regardless.


I’m in America and I own and enjoy a number of firearms. I currently own the following sporting/target arms:

•Marlin lever action .35
•Winchester lever action 30-30
•Remington pump action 30-06
•Semi auto scoped Marlin .22
•Savage Arms bolt action .22
•Mossberg 12 gauge pump
•Spencer 12 gauge double barrel
•Remington 12 gauge pump

…and a cheap Japanese knockoff of the famous Browning semi auto 12 gauge that has a rotted gas seal so it won’t cycle and is probably not worth the cost of repair.

I have an antique military foot locker in which I store about 2,500 rounds of a variety of ammunition.

Me and my pals sometimes hunt but more often we just enjoy punching paper. Target shooting is good fun but it is expensive!
Cheaper Than Dirt is a good site to find reasonably priced ammo, there are others as well.

I own no pistols as those require special licensing and background checks here in New York State which can take many months but I’ll eventually get around to it. I prefer revolvers, no jamming, better sighting and ease of use with a revolver…that’s just my opinion though. I’m sure a guy that’s expert level with his semi auto pistols could fairly call bullshit on my revolver preference but I find semi auto pistols too finicky.

My buddy down in Virginia wants to help me buy and trick out an AR type semi auto rifle but I currently have more important house stuff to spend 1400 bucks on lol!

I keep a heavy gun safe (key/keypad lock) inside a fingerprint/combo locked closet.
The Ammunition is stored separately in a steel footlocker with a Masterlock.

Unless a guy is a complete ass or a drunken fool firearms can safely be kept and enjoyed year round. Follow the basic common sense rules, take a hunter’s safety course, lock up all the gear at the end of the day and there will be lots of shooting fun to be had.


Own a licensed gun and even used it one time during a terror attack.


I’d like to hear this story in more detail, that’s pretty wild!


It was 7 year ago, at a central station in Israel, Arab terrorist killed a solider and start shooting everywhere. It was a complete mess, people running away, screaming, after a few seconds I saw the terrorist, a gunfight started, I wasn't the only one there but the only citizen (the others from what I remember were soldiers and Israel Border Police).


Glad you made it through OK.

Horrible that he killed a Soldier.
Did the maniac hurt any civilians? Did the Patrol get the guy?


Yes he hurt few civilians.
He was killed during the terror act.


Damn maniac, glad they got him. That’s quite an insane thing to do.
