MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is it "crazy" to talk to yourself?

Is it "crazy" to talk to yourself?

I do this when I get stressed out. I've had family members at home noticed, and they mention that it's odd. I do this because it serves as a mental release or outlet to vent out my frustrations and stress. I don't like building all that shit in my mind.

Also, I've had comments at work that I sometimes pace back and forth alot and it annoys coworkers. They tell me "What is wrong with you?" or "Stop that! It's annoying!". Again, pacing is a habit of mine when I get stressed out and symptom of my anxiety. I didn't realize it could bother people.

Same way with nail-biting, I do this alot when I'm stressed or frustrated.

Anyone else can relate? Any habits you do when you have a lot in your mind?


Saying stuff out loud isn't crazy, but can be extremely annoying to others. Talking to oneself, on the other hand, is crazy. Talking involves asking yourself questions, then you proceed to answer those same questions. Pretty much a solo conversation is nuts. On a side note, the crazy people get mad if somebody else tries to join in, lolz.


How about pacing back and forth? Do you get annoyed when you see someone doing that? Why is it annoying?


I don't see anything wrong with slow pacing. It just shows that you're really anxious and stressed about something. Fast pacing will get really annoying after a while.


Yes I talk aloud to myself occasionally but then I live on my own so it's not going to bother anyone. Partly it serves to break up the usual silence and partly I do it when I'm trying to reason something out. It helps me to order my thoughts and form opinions that are more examined and hopefully more substantive.

If you're anxiety is causing you problems there are non medication therapies that might help you to get a handle on it and manage it better. That's what I did.


Yes, that's exactly why I talk to myself too. I sometimes ask myself questions too like someone else pointed out above, lol. Nowdays, I'm more mindful to do it when no one is around, so they don't think I'm nuts or psycho.

Also, when I lived in an apartment alone, I made sure not to talk too loudly, so neighbors don't think I'm weird.


Yes apartments tend to have those thin walls. I lived in a few in my youth but moved on to houses or stand alone Units which are much better.


I'm a total introvert too. Sadly, society thinks we are weird and dangerous. We are frequently demonized by the press and misunderstood. I.e. stereotyped as loners, serial killers or school shooter types. It sucks....


" It's always the loud ones who think it's always the quiet ones. " - Me


I just finished watching a YouTube true crime video focused on a neighbor of the four college students viciously murdered in Idaho last month. He's a young chef who lives alone and he also described himself as a "total introvert" and a hermit. Shortly after he was questioned by police, as were all the other neighbors, he came under relentless attack, accusations from nutcases online, insisting that he was the killer. In reality, he was grieving the horrific loss of some potential nice, new friends he had met, so it was a double whammy for him. It was a daily struggle for him after that to try to get through his job. He was internalizing most of that. It appeared in the video where he was being interviewed, that it was cathartic for him to finally clear the air somewhat.

This witch-hunt, mob mentality shit online is both disturbing and sickening! People rabidly go after innocent, secondary victims instead of valid suspects.


Yes I do - quite a lot, but mine is just thinking out loud - definitely not a conversation with myself.


Good to know. Yes, I think "out loud too". I sometimes have a conversation with myself though. I make sure to do it alone nowdays and more mindful when no one is around, so I'm not deemed "weirdo" or "crazy".

I'm a total introvert. Sadly, society thinks we are weird and dangerous. We are frequently demonized by the press and misunderstood. I.e. stereotyped as loners, serial killers or school shooter types. It sucks and it's unfortunate.


Another thing I do is to talk back at the radio or Youtube/Podcast when someone says something I particularly disagree with. It's silly because they can't hear me but sometimes I just can't let the bullshit go "unchallenged".


Lol yep. I do that. I've even had other drivers at the stop sign look at me like WTF.... 🤣




I think the real weirdos are the ones who don't talk to themselves.





It could be Schizophrenia. Please seek professional diagnostic instead of asking around in this forum.


Do you think math cures schizophrenia?
lol I went homeless. And certain people in town talk down to me now. Certain people on here are playing mind games with me. YouTube is playing mind games with me. I know that retarded penguinz0 guy is getting nsa intel or some bull shot. Something. They fucking screwed my tech newsaddiction to news with a bunch of nonsensical stories in my news feed to make me insecure and stupid. And my YouTube was messed up and there was a thumb with fucking scales or something and my thinking is slowing down since I’m having issues and it was hard to look away from.


I think sleeping well everyday is essential to our physical and mental health.


It's perfectly normal. However, like many normal behaviors, that doesn't mean you should do it when it disrupts others.

It's normal to fart, but I don't do that overtly out loud in a crowd of coworkers. I talk to myself, but not necessarily in the presence of other people.


But you're totally cool with letting loose a silent one?


