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things you notice from watching movies from the 1950s

people went out for dinner at 9pm on a work night?
people would have some kind of breakdown no matter the age (usually a woman) and would prescribed bed rest for weeks or months.


The comfort
The speed
The convenience?


No fancy expensive coffee


cops and detectives lived on coffee and cigarettes.


Yes. And they aimed their snub-nosed revolvers from the hip and shot the lights out every time…that’s totally unrealistic.

A shotgun or a .30 hunting rifle has a great deal of kick but they are heavy, stable weapons. Easy to aim. Those small pistols are unsteady, and not nearly as easy to aim as they pretend in the movies.


No dialing.


Giving a hysterical woman a good slap was totally acceptable.


it was for their own good apparently.


They had it coming.


there's plenty of reasons to hit a woman, you just don't do it.


Gendered clothing. Men in suits, women in dresses. Weird accents (although it may have been a "movie" voice they put on). The music sounding very different. Black and white. Often a shot further away, followed up by a very close close up.


People could not act realistically in those movies, that's for sure. Including all the so-called classics. Sorry, but you're not in an auditorium anymore where people in the back need to see and hear everything. You're on film and close up enough for all to see easily - no need to dramatically overact anymore.


maybe the sound wasn't as good back then


All men in a suit and hat no matter their profession or time of day.


There seemed to be way less obesity back then, at least in the movies. Overweight characters were often treated like fools and the butt of jokes in films if they appeared at all.


not all the processed foods and fast food back then. Guys worked till 5pm and came home to a home-cooked meal. OK, maybe preceded by a Martini, but they were not eating a lot of junk and crap food, and probably walked places a lot more, like "they" do today in Europe.


I’d say you nailed it.
