MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Did You Ever Buy An Album b/c of a Singl...

Did You Ever Buy An Album b/c of a Single?

I haven't. If I liked a band, then I'd try to go chronologically, unless something was on sale. I once bought a Beatles single (Free As a Bird/Christmas Time Is Here Again) for my uncle, but it seemed like compilation tapes were cheaper, since in the mid-late 90s (when I started collecting) there was no guarantee that even a popular band like The Doors or Pink Floyd would have all (or close) their studio albums, and a Greatest Hits was more economical, but I can't even think of a time I bought an album because of any song I heard on the radio.


Yeah, definitely as a kid and teen. It was the only way to hear a wide variety of a new singer's music, since there wasn't Youtube or online channels to listen to the individual songs on an album, so the single was all you'd hear from some artists, sometimes for years.


Yes, I did in the 90s occasionally...two off the top of my head that I can remember:

1) There was a group called Local H that had a song called "Bound For The Floor" that I loved. I bought their CD "As Good As Dead" solely based on that song.

2) Semisonic...bought their CD "Feeling Strangely Fine" just from hearing "Closing Time" (I love their song "Singing In My Sleep" from that same CD...what a great song that is).


Does anyone remember 1-800-MUSIC-NOW? They sold tapes, etc., but you were allowed to hear previews of each album, and once I found Led Zeppelin IV had Stairway AND Black Dog, I asked my mom to use her credit card (which I'm not sure she ever used), and to my surprise, she said yes, and $14 later, I got my first ordered tape.
