MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I actually like seeing movies... alone

I actually like seeing movies... alone

It's me-time. Get away from others, from society, and see a movie during the day, when the theater is mostly empty.

I've even had a theater to myself a few times.

I'm only a fan of a packed theater when it's a much hyped movie and it's fans who will react at all the right places. That can be good.

But otherwise, I like to go alone.


no doubt, not long ago i'd wake & bake then go to the Discount theater & be the only one in there. enjoyed moving from section to section enjoying my treats i brought in, the later showings i'd often sneak alcoholic beverages in. i do miss the dollar theater.


I did some seat hopping once. It was in a theater that was closing and I wanted to be the last to sit in different seats.


there was also a wheelchair area in the back that for certain scenes i'd stand & move around for


I miss the cheap theater near me. You could see older movies on the big screen for three or four bucks. They did a lot of horror, action and 80s stuff. It was great.


Me too, and that's why I have a big-ass TV at the foot of my bed.


Same with me. I could focus on the movie more.


I mostly watch films mid week on a Wednesday at lunchtime. I’m normally the only person in there - wonderful!


do you get food at lunchtime from the expensive concession stand ?


Nah! I take my own in (easy in the winter with a big coat, not so easy in the summer, lol).


me too


Same. I can focus much easier if I'm alone. And there's no one else talking.


I try to go when there are less people there.


It's a lot of fun seeing spectacle movies in packed theaters. I don't want to watch the new Indiana Jones movie alone. I want to be in a room filled with disapointed heartbroken lifelong fans.


Once they rereleased Jurassic Park in 3d and I saw it in a sold out theater. I felt like I had time traveled.

Funny hearing an audience laugh at
Alan Grant trying to get away from young Tim as he tries to sit with him in the car.


The recent Jaws 3D was a full house. The whole spectrum. Old people who loved the movie their whole lives on down to young kids who've never even seen it before. It was an absolute blast. Haven't been in an audience like that in a long time. It sounded like that viral reaction footage looks. Laughs and gasps and I even jumped at a scene I knew was coming lol. A crowd will actually pull you into a movie deeper.
