MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does the death penalty really act as a d...

Does the death penalty really act as a deterrent for future crime? (Parkland shooter's verdict)

This is in relation to the Parkland shooter's verdict yesterday where the jurors gave him life in prison (no parole) instead of death. He killed 17 people. Families are outraged at verdict. I'm surprised at verdict. If that isn't a death penalty case I don't know what is.

But does the DP really act as a deterrent for future crimes like this? Mass shootings still happen regardless. Especially in these mass shooting cases where the gunman usually kills himself at the end. Your thoughts?


I had a connection to a death penalty case once. The sister and her teenage daughter of one of my best friends from high school were both raped and brutally murdered by her ex-boyfriend. He avoided it by pleading guilty. He actually didn't serve much of his sentence when he died under mysterious circumstances. Prison justice, which was mentioned earlier in this thread. And no, the family couldn't have had anything to do with it because they were very Christian.


I'm death penalty pro, but it's not a deterrent. By the time someone reaches this point, the last thing they are worried about is punishment.
