MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is this statement Sort of true/very true...

Is this statement Sort of true/very true, or total bullshit?

I realize that to some this question may come across as a tad naïve. But a friend of mine who's quite a bit younger than me. but a father of two young boys, told me this. That if a girl around 18 years old give or take has tattoos, then she's definitely not a virgin and has had full on sexual intercourse. Does anyone else think this is a somewhat accurate statement? He explained it further to me as to why he says that, but I'll leave it at that for now.


For a while I thought this thread would be about if that girl was to do something sexual to a GUY and maybe in a gray area where say HE doesn't give 100 per cent full consent or if she sleeps with a 17 year old to make it statutory you know what and if in former it is either the dreaded r word or the s a term and how bad AND illegal it all is and I thought...

Blimey, this thread is just like mine and someone gave my thoughts importance.

Needless to say I DID make those curiosity type threads and little positivity came out of them. I was left in the dark but that's alright too. I ain't worried.

And as for this one, I will think later . Tada.


No offense to anyone though. ) And I take a deep breath and hope - "None taken".

And no. I wasn't, you know... Curiosity. 😀✅
