TheChive (a humor site) has a funny list of memes about this stupid phenomenon posted recently.
‘The Ice Bucket Challenge’ was pretty silly and attention-seeking but at least it was promoting a good cause, what the hell does eating laundry soap or destroying chicken with hot chemicals do for anybody? Social media is generally crap.
Have you seen the milk crate challenge? Some of those kids must have busted their ankles and knees…So stupid.
I remember when it seemed feasible that humans were so much smarter than the animal kingdom as to separate us from them. LOL Anyone remember that nonsense? No, we've seen just how stupid humanity is since then- the left has schooled us on the depravity of the human mind. Shakespeare put it like this, delivered with more than a little sarcasm:
"What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals—and yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me— nor woman neither..."
Shakespeare would be appalled today. All of those things listed in his observation is what the human race could achieve if everyone would aspire to something higher. Too many are content to just satisfy their basic animal cravings.
There are forces that do not want us to aspire to better things. An educated populace will become discontent with the status quo of a few having wealth and power over the many. So our society chooses not to educate the group as a whole and is happy to see a few making money off the many. Ergo = stupid people are what makes the system work in favor of the powerful. Stupid behavior is an acceptable byproduct of the greater scheme, just like common soldiers dying in battle are considered acceptable losses.
"So our society chooses not to educate the group..."
It's not just society doing this; there are too many individuals who choose not to educate or better themselves. They don't want to exert any effort but expect instant gratification. They always opt for the easy way out. As long as they have these moronic forms of entertainment to keep them pacified, they will remain complacent.