MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > People who look down on their own race/e...

People who look down on their own race/ethnicity.

What is the psychology behind that? Insecurity?


Virtue signaling.




Would a social democrat living in Germany in 1938 be 'virtue-signaling', or perhaps rather aghast at what had become of his people ?

It's an extreme example, but it counters your blanket denunciation. People may quite reasonably have real ethical/moral/political conflicts with their own dominant culture.

Is a Russian who opposes the Ukrainian invasion 'virtue signaling' ?



That's common if they're living in a society where they're marginalized because of their race/ethnicity. That society will disparage and attack them in the media, legally with discrimination, culturally, educationally in history books, etc., and by other means. Simultaneously, their own culture which provides pride and identity may be suppressed. Self-hatred is the outcome.


Says the lying virtue signaler.


I can't speak for other people, but for myself, being a Neo-Nazi but also Jewish is the reason. In retrospect, maybe not the most sensible choice of ideology to espouse.


Should have chosen to be a Retro-Nazi instead.




My primary ethnicity is German. I was creeped out by being related to the Nazis when I was younger, but now I'm okay with it.

But I've never in my life blathered about German-American Pride, because then people would assume I was some sort of Nazi or white supremacist.


If you're white, you're not allowed to have pride in that, dopey. You should feel ashamed and apologize at every opportunity you get. And it wouldn't hurt to donate all of your money to the United Negro College Fund and Cherokee Nation. Unless you like the gnawing guilt that no doubt assails your soul on a daily basis.


Bugger off.


How shall I bugger off, sir?




I don't know how you like your buggery!


Faux victimization from an empowered majority race/ethnic group is part of the marginization of other race/ethnicity as well as trivialization of legitimate bigotry and racism experienced by them.


I'm kind of down on the Irish-Catholic culture of mine, which has morphed into fat, happy Trumpublicans largely.

I also lost the religion, which I find cringe-worthy to endure, the creepy fay priests & choirs that can't sing, the dirgy feel of it all, the complete disconnect between the gospel and the politics, the phony fixation & no-cost virtue signaling on abortion. JMHO.


I knew who was responsible for this post before I ever clicked on it.


My Old Nan was German/Irish, she hated Germans because her brothers had to go off to fight them and she thought all of the Irish were drunkards and only useful as workmen if and when sober. She also hated blacks, Europeans, Puerto Ricans, Jews, the wealthy and the poor…she referred to all of them as ‘those people.’ Nanny called anyone who appeared even vaguely Asian an Oriental or a Chinaman. She was the Archie Bunker of grandmothers.

I’m pretty sure she disliked me as well and I mowed her lawn out of respect. She’d always try to shove money at me and I’d say always say ‘No way Nan’ to which she would usually reply, ‘NO MAN ever does anything for free.’
She hated men too and I suspect all women.

Come to think of it I’d bet Archie Bunker would have told her to calm down😄


Wow, nowadays you could have just fed her some brownies and enjoyed watching her mellow out. :)


Quite frankly, She would have looked sideways at you if you offered Her a treat, she didn’t trust anyone and She would just know you were up to something.

I’m still sad that she died, she kept a tight purse, her doors locked and a sharp old Lady hat pin in her old Lady coat for ‘the muggers’ she assumed were on every street corner. Nan seemed like She’d go on forever and bury all of us and that was fine by me but several Strokes and dementia changed things.


Internalized racism, I find, has a lot to do with classism. As someone who's half-Asian, a lot of the Asian side of the family perceive "white" as wealthy and value that race over their own as a way to detach from the poverty experienced within their culture - and this despite knowing full well that white people experience poverty. This is probably due to the extremity of poverty faced within their culture as opposed to the benefits they perceive that white poor people can access in western countries.
